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So this was requested by spideymanandloki my best friend, so yeah. I should've mentioned earlier and I AM SO SORRY but the last one was requested by TereHinojosa8. So yeah. Enjoy.

Bucky swings a punch at the bigger bully who had him trapped in a corner of the alley. Of course, the bully dodges the lame punch and catches his fist.

The bully punches him hard in the gut and Bucky leans over, groaning and clutching his stomach. The bully smirks, but his smirk fades away when he sees Bucky slowly get back up, rage in his blue-green eyes. He brushes his floppy brown hair out of his face, puffs out a breath and clenches his tiny hands into fists.

"You just don' know when to give up, do ya?" He laughs at the smaller guy. Bucky doesn't reply, just tries to punch him again. He again dodges and drives his fist into Bucky's face. The brunette topples over with the hit and falls against the garbage bins, he doesn't bother getting back up.

"Hey!" Someone calls out and Bucky raises his head slightly. The bully turns around to see a tall blonde in an army uniform sauntering over. The blonde grabs his shoulder and whirls him around, he shoves him away.

"Pick on someone your own size." He huffs. The bully goes to punch him but the blonde catches his fist, with the other hand he punches him in the face. The bully stumbles away and the blonde kicks him in the rear for good measure. He saunters over to where Bucky was slowly getting to his feet.

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched." The blonde muses, stooping down to pick up Bucky's fallen papers.
"I had him on the ropes." Bucky replies, wincing a little and wiping the blood from his mouth. He looks up and freezes, looking the blonde up and down.

"You get your orders?" He asks, meeting his cool blue eyes. The blonde looks down to the side before raising his head again, hat tilted to the side.

"Sergeant Steve Rogers, 107th, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." He replies and Bucky nods, looking down. He brushes the dirt from his hands then looks back up at Steve.

"I should be going." He sighs. Steve shakes his head, watching him quietly. He grins suddenly and swings his arm around Bucky's small shoulders and hugs him close.

"C'mon, man. It's my last night." Steve muses.

"We gotta get you cleaned up." He adds, looking him up and down. Bucky rolls his eyes and shoves his shoulder.

"Why, where are we going?" He asks, taking his papers back from the taller blonde. Steve tilts his head a little before handing the brunette a newspaper.

"The future." He replies as Bucky gazes down at the front page. Steve smiles to himself, walking alongside his best friend. Bucky hands him the paper back and flips through his own, making sure they're all there. Steve glances over and his smile falters when he sees the army's signature on top of the paper.

"Really? Again? You know it's illegal to lie on enlistment forms, right?" Steve sighs, looking at the papers. Bucky had been trying to get into the army ever since it started, he wanted to help and both his parents died serving in the army. Bucky raises his head and meets Steve's gaze.

"I need to fight this war, Steve. You don't understand." He replies, folding his papers and shoving them into his pockets. Steve sighs deeply and shakes his head.

"And seriously, Jersey?" He adds, sending him a glance. Bucky says nothing and the blonde sighs again.


The next day rolled around and Steve was to be shipped off.

"Bucky. Wake up, I gotta go." Steve sighs, lightly shaking the brunette's shoulder from where he slept. They had made a couch cushion fort for the memories it carried; when they were kids they always made couch cushion forts together. Bucky shifts a little then buries deeper under the thick blankets, he sniffles and Steve immediately looks concerned. Bucky had a lot of health issues, and that was one of the reasons he wasn't eligible to join the army. Scarlet fever, asthma, someone in his family had had diabetes, he was easily winded... it went on and on.

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