Post Winter Soldier, Triggered-Bucky, Captain America-Steve

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"Hey, Avengers, what should we watch tonight?" Tony asks, looking at the band of misfits in turn. Bucky shrugs his right shoulder, his head was resting on Steve's lap and the blonde was playing with his hair, twirling it between his fingers and smoothing it down. Bucky purred softly as he did so.

"Robin Hood?" Clint suggests to be greeted by a chorus of groans.

"We see that all the time." Natasha sighs, she was sitting on Bruce's lap and using his shoulder as a pillow, his arm loosely wrapped around her waist and his thumb gently smoothed circles on her thigh.

"What about Titanic? That's a real tear jerker." Tony suggests. The Avengers agree and get everything set up. Steve and Bucky huddle under a thick blanket, their heads poking out just enough to see the movie. The brunette had his left, metal arm wrapped around Steve's waist and he sighs contentedly, tucking his knees up. Steve puts an arm over his shoulders and Bucky reaches up his right hand to loosely hold Steve's. The blonde kisses the top of his head.

The movie begins and they make comments about it, awwing in the right spots and booing in other spots. Then the part comes where Jack's clinging to the wood for dear life, freezing cold and Rose is telling him she'll never let go, but she lets go anyway and he's falling through the ice and water and Bucky draws in a shaky breath. Steve looks over at him, concerned, Tony pauses the movie.

"What's wrong, baby?" Steve asks softly, Bucky shakes his head and buries his face into his hands. He tenses suddenly and his left fist clenches, his teeth were grit. The Avengers all watch, concerned.

"Bucky, please say something." Steve whispers, worry in his eyes. The brunette raises his head, breathing heavily, his eyes dart around the room frantically.

Two level six agents. They already cost me Zola. I want confirmed death in seventy two hours. Understood, Winter?

"No, not again." Steve whispers, his breath hitching a little. His heart sinks at what he fears might be coming. Bucky turns to face him and his eyes narrow with pure hatred and anger.

"You're my mission." He growls, scooching away from the blonde. He gets up and looks around wildly for a weapon, anything. Steve gets up as well, Natasha's fingers curl around her gun that she kept on her at all times.

"Bucky. You know me." Steve says clearly, his hands up and cautiously approaching the brunette like one would to a scared, dangerous animal. The brunette watches him warily, Tony sits up.

"Your name is James Buchanan Barnes. Remember me, it's Steve." The blonde says clearly but not too loudly, the brunette watches him.

"Ste... you're... you're not S-Steve. You're not Steve." Bucky mumbles, he was so confused. Steve was a little blonde guy from Brooklyn, too dumb to run away from a fight. Steve was a sickly boy lying on his deathbed insisting this he'd be alright, always in a constant face off against death everyday. Steve was a little punk standing bravely in front of a common bully, preparing for the next hit, dirt on his shirt, blood running down his chin from his nose and fire in his blue eyes.

Bucky's eyes narrow as he watches him, suddenly he's filled with rage. With a frustrated yell he tackles Steve to the ground, the Avengers all jump up and try to stop him. Steve tells them to back off; no matter what they do, Bucky wouldn't stop and they'd only get themselves hurt. Plus, he knew Bucky was somewhere in there, somewhere in that machine was a scared man who just wanted to be free. You don't have to be a permanent P.O.W. to be trapped.

Bucky throws a punch and Steve moves his head to avoid it, the brunette was screaming in Russian and Natasha's eyes narrowed at one thing he said. It was very offensive.

"You're not Steve! I don't know you I don't know you!" Bucky screams, landing a punch with his left fist to the blonde's face, a bruise slowly starts to blossom to the surface. Steve grunts and rolls over, he pins the brunette beneath him, holding his shoulders.

"Christmas, 1936, it was the one Christmas where we actually had enough money to pay for two gifts, you got me a notebook and I gave you a poorly framed drawing. In the summer of 1929 we always went down to the river even though my mom Sarah said it wasn't safe, we went swimming anyways with some of the neighborhood boys. You always asked me why I put newspapers in my shoes and I never really knew either." Steve rattles off, pleading in his blue eyes. Bucky was panting and his eyes were squeezed shut, because it hurt to remember, it hurt to relive those memories, he was trying to make the connections. His breathing slows but then he screams suddenly, thrashing to get up. Steve swore he felt his heart break in two then, but he holds him down.

"No, stop it stop it! You're... you're not him. Not him. You can't be him." Bucky trails off in a hoarse whisper, the Avengers all looked terrified right now.

"Why can't I be him?" Steve asks softly, Bucky's eyes open and he stares with some fear into Steve's eyes. That's what had unsettled him so; they had the same eyes.

"Because... b-because he's tiny and he's a punk and I just..." he trails off, his voice heightened and panicked as he tried to explain himself, but he was so confused, he didn't know, didn't know anything. Bucky squeezes his eyes shut and whines painfully, twisting his head.

"Please come back. Don't leave me." Bucky begs and at first Steve was confused, only to realize that Bucky was talking to him... but in the past. Steve slowly lets him go and Bucky doesn't move, he simply rolls over, still muttering feverishly to himself. Steve leans back on his heels, his heart racing. He sits with Bucky,who had begun to shiver. Wordlessly, Natasha brings a blanket and drapes it over him. Clint gets him a pillow for him and Bucky just stares off, his eyes wide and haunted, mumbling in Russian. Eventually he falls asleep and Steve gently brings him onto his lap, Bucky remains limp, however he flinches every now and then, murmuring anxiously in his sleep. Before too long he goes completely still and silent, his head resting against Steve's chest.

The blonde breathes out a shaky breath and holds the brunette a little closer, gently planting a kiss on top of his head. Bucky curls in a little, shifting to get closer. He stirs after a while and his eyes flicker open, he fancied that there was a wetness on his cheeks. He silently looks up to see Steve staring off, tears silently dripping down his face. Bucky swallows and curls in closer, Steve looks down at him and manages a weak smile.

"Steve." Bucky murmurs, looking up at him. The blonde's arms tighten a little around the brunette and Bucky swallows again.

"Hey, baby." Steve says softly, resting his head on Bucky's. Bucky feels something drip on his head and knows it's a tear. The brunette didn't know what to say so he just quietly repeats his name. The blonde just holds him close, Bucky closes his eyes and eventually falls back asleep.

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