Drunk-Bucky, Boyfriend-Steve

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Steve looks at his boyfriend Bucky lying on the couch, watching another random tv show. He looked so bored.

"You look bored." Steve comments, he flops onto Bucky's front and the brunette groans. Steve looks up at him and Bucky meets his gaze. He shrugs a little and kisses the tip of his nose.

"Your head's in the way, I can't see what Sam and Dean are doing." He pouts.

"Aww, you think Sam and Dean are hotter than me?" Steve pouts, crossing his arms defensively. Bucky sits up and moves so he's on Steve's lap.

"Nah. Well, Sam I suppose..." he says thoughtfully and Steve pouts. Bucky sticks his bottom lip out and lifts Steve's chin up with his metal pointer finger. He copies his pouting face and the blonde scowls, Bucky grins.

"You're so cute when you're angry." He croons, he kisses him gently. Steve kisses back and Bucky smiles.

"Hey Buck?" Steve hums, he wanted to treat Bucky to a nice dinner. The brunette tilts his head a little.

"Wanna do a fancy dinner?" The blonde asks, sitting up and folding his arms. Bucky raises an eyebrow.

"We have no money, Steve." He snorts. It was a good idea, he wanted to, but they were low on money lately.

"I'll cook for you." Steve offers and the brunette smiles.

"Yup, you're definitely better than the brothers. But I still love the show." Bucky purrs, wrapping his arms around his waist. Steve smiles and rests his head on Bucky's shoulder.

"Thank you." Bucky adds, ruffling Steve's hair then kissing him. The blonde nods then gets up.

"Stay here, okay?" He says and Bucky nods, leaning back against the couch as he watches Steve enter the kitchen.
The blonde starts milling about, trying to think of what to make. He wasn't that bad of a cook, just didn't know what Bucky would probably want. He knew he liked pasta, though, and some type of wine he couldn't remember the name of.

Bucky sits quietly, still watching Supernatural. About an hour and a half later Steve came out with something in his hands. Bucky turns his head to look.

"No peeking, Buck." Steve rolls his eyes, he didn't even look at him and he knew what he was trying to do. Bucky pouts and crosses his arms, slouching back.

"I'm not peeking!" He protests, looking away. The blonde looks over at him and raises an eyebrow. Bucky meets his gaze and shrugs innocently, blue-green eyes wide. Steve sighs and shakes his head, smiling a little at his antics. He sets the table and makes it romantic, because Bucky had never had that before.

"Almost done. Don't look, I gotta go get something." Steve says, Bucky nods again.

"Aye aye, captain." He hums, casually saluting. Steve rolls his eyes again but smiles, he grabs his wallet and puts on his jacket.

"Be right back." Steve says before wandering out and closing the door behind him. Bucky sits quietly and is very tempted to peek. He starts to turn his head to look but stops himself short and faces forward again.

"Don't do it, Buck." He tells himself sternly, folding his arms. He sighs and leans back.

"And I'm talking to myself. Perfect." He mutters. The door swings open and Steve comes back in.

"Okay... you can look." Steve says after setting up what he'd gotten, which was Bucky's favorite wine. The brunette turns and his eyes widen.

There were candles on the table, flickering with a small flame each, and Bucky could smell vanilla. He loved the smell of vanilla. There was his favorite pasta on the table and he spotted his favorite type of wine.

"Steve, this is great." Bucky gushes, he goes up to him and hugs him tightly then kisses him gently.

"It was no problem." Steve shrugs after Bucky pulls away. They get seated and then begin their romantic dinner.

After a while Steve could tell that Bucky was getting tipsy from the wine, therefore making him louder, bolder, and more flamboyant. Of course, Steve took the wine away, but it'd done its job. Bucky protested when it was taken, as the blonde expected him to.

"Why'd you take it?" Bucky whines, slouching back in his seat. Steve glances at him from where he was washing dishes.

"That's why." Steve says, gesturing to him. Bucky looks confused and looks down at his shirt.


"Never mind." Steve shakes his head, pulling the dishes out of the water and placing them on a dry towel. Bucky sniffs suddenly and Steve looks up, to see the brunette sitting there with tears running down his face. Immediately Steve gets up, alarmed, and goes to him.

"What's wrong?" He asks worriedly. Bucky sniffles and wipes his nose.

"Goldy." He whines and Steve raises an eyebrow. Bucky leans forward and rests his head on Steve's shoulder.

"He was my goldfish an' he was the bes' goldfish an' he died." Bucky whispers, tears running down his face. Steve sighs and hugs him, Bucky hugs back.

"That's a shame, Buck. I'm sorry to hear that." He replies and Bucky sniffs. He gets up, swaying, and stumbles his way to collapse on the couch. Steve sighs.

He goes back to cleaning up as Bucky lies there. Without warning the brunette rolls over and vomits onto the floor, Steve looks up and goes to him.

"Oh, Bucky." He sighs, rolling the brunette back over. Bucky giggles something and Steve rolls his eyes. He dissapears to get some more cleaning supplies to clean up the mess. There's a knock on the door and Bucky gets up, he stumbles over and pulls the door open.

Standing there was a surprised looking Wanda and Pietro, watching him.

"Steve, customers!" Bucky yells and the blonde rounds the corner, spotting them.

"Not customers, Buck, guests." He sighs, grabbing him by the shoulders and guiding him back to the couch.

"S' what I said."

"Okay, Buck." Steve replies, going to Wanda and Pietro. He smiles apologetically and rubs the back of his neck.

"Sorry, Bucky's a little drunk." He apologizes, Wanda smiles a little and nods.

"He will be okay?" Pietro asks, his accent thick. He cared very much about Bucky. Steve nods.

"Yeah, he'll be fine." He answers. Wanda steps forward a little and hands him a book, one that she'd borrowed from him.

"Thanks. What'd you think?" He asks Wanda, who shrugs a little and is about to answer when she stops, seeing Bucky crying over his goldfish again. She points to him and Steve turns around, he sighs.

"I think we'd better be on our way." Pietro cuts in, shooting a glance at his sister. She gives him a look before turning back.

"Thank you, Steve. I hope Bucky feels better." Wanda says, he smiles a little and nods, looking over at them. Wanda smiles before Pietro closes the door and the pair leave. Steve looks back at the brunette, who looks up at him.

"Okay, bed for you." Steve says, he lifts Bucky to his feet and the brunette leans against him, half asleep.

"M'kay." Bucky yawns, lying back in bed as soon as Steve lowers him down. The blonde smoothes his brown hair from his head and tucks him in, Bucky yawns.

"G'night, Stevie." He mumbles, closing his eyes. He falls asleep before he hears the blonde's reply.

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