The Truth

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Bucky lies on Steve's bed, staring up at the ceiling. They were just having a boring day - no missions, or injuries, or intense drama. Bucky had brought in some alcohol; he couldn't get drunk easily, and Steve just couldn't get drunk at all. They could appreciate alcohol though.

Bucky blows out a slow breath, tilting his head at Steve sitting on the floor, tapping at his phone.

"This is fun," he says sarcastically and Steve looks up at him, shifting and placing his phone down.

"Well, what else could we do?"

Bucky shrugs and takes a drink, then hands the bottle to Steve.

"Truth or dare?" Bucky drawls, looking over at him. Steve quirks an eyebrow, folding his arms.


"Well?" Bucky gestures to him and Steve sighs, rolling his eyes.


"I dare you..," Bucky trails off, thinking. He smirks. "I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room." Bucky felt bold today. Steve gives him a look, as in, 'are you serious, you're the only person in this room', before leaning forward and kissing him. Bucky freezes. He hadn't expected that to actually work.

He and Steve weren't a couple. They were comfortable with each other, of course. Bucky harboured a crush on him, and managed to keep it under wraps while also flirting. Since they had become so comfortable with each other, flirting wasn't seen as a terribly romantic thing, because they did it all the time. Steve was the same way towards Bucky, but incredibly, less obvious about it. He was good at keeping emotions to himself.

Steve pulls away and manages not to give himself away by blushing. Bucky, his mind in overdrive, ignores the way his heart skips a beat and nods once.

"I mean, I couldn't kiss myself," Steve muses finally, taking another drink. Bucky nods, giving him a grin.

"I figured. My go," Bucky speaks and Steve leans back. "I choose truth."

Steve nods slowly, trying to think. "Is it true that you stole my drink last time we went out?" Now this was just him teasing Bucky, who always turned red when flustered. It was cute.

Bucky shifts and folds his arms, scowling at him. He finds heat rising to his cheeks and he scowls more. "You caught me," he huffs and Steve smiles.

"Totally knew it."

"Then why call me out?" Bucky whines and pouts. Steve hides a grin and shrugs.

"Just because," he hums, mentally adding, because you look super cute while embarrassed.

"Fine. Your turn."


Bucky smirks a little, waiting for him to take a drink. "Is it true that I always took us on double dates back in the forties and you were pining the entire time?"

Steve chokes a little on his drink at the thought of it. Their double dates were mostly Steve following Bucky around and trying not to be jealous of the two ladies, fawning over him. Pining, yes, but not over what he thought.

Bucky tries not to laugh at him. "What's so funny about that? Can't a guy take his friend on a double date anymore?"

"Not nowadays," Steve replies, sliding the bottle over. "If anything, they either go on dates or just... do nothing."

"Sounds boring," Bucky muses, taking another drink. Steve hesitates, the words he wanted to say clogging his throat. He settles on merely being silent again, thinking.

Bucky looks at him, raising an eyebrow. Steve dies a little inside when Bucky gives him a grin, that same old grin that Steve had always loved. Steve finds his eyes wandering and quickly looks away. Bucky rolls onto his stomach, looking at him, slightly confused. Steve meets his gaze and Bucky, staring into his blue eyes, struggles to find something witty to say.

They could both feel how the atmosphere had changed.

Bucky feels his cheeks heating up. He takes a breath and looks away, cursing under his breath.

"I still have a question," Steve speaks up and Bucky looks at him again, raising an eyebrow, relieved to find the tension diminishing some.

"Dare," Bucky speaks, wondering where he's going with this.

"I dare you to kiss me."

Bucky pauses, his heart stopping. Steve doesn't take his words back, and by the tone alone Bucky can tell he meant it. And that was all he needed.

He sits up and pulls Steve closer, then kisses him gently, almost hesitant. After a second or two, he relaxes and Steve kisses back, tangling his fingers in his hair.

Steve pulls back slightly, their lips barely touching. "I think I might love you, Barnes," he murmurs and Bucky smiles a little, pressing his forehead against the blond's.

"Yeah? Truth?" Bucky hums back, and Steve nods before kissing him again.

Bucky's mind whirls and he ignores his thoughts as he holds Steve close against him.

They seem to kiss for what seemed like hours before finally separating. Bucky sits quietly, admiring him. Steve was blushing hard.

"I think I might love you too, Rogers," Bucky muses finally and Steve smiles over at him.


So this was just a fluff idea, and legit_fandom_trash was demanding something cute.

I hope this makes up for the sad ones, at least a little bit.

And I hope you guys enjoyed the short little thing. :)

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