Avengers Uptown Funk It up

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It was just an ordinary day in the Avengers tower. Steve was painting a picture of his favorite brunette, Bucky, when Tony sauntered in with the Wii in his arms and a grin on his face.

"Whatcha got there, Tony?" Bucky asks, looking over curiously.

"I found the Wii and we are gonna do Just Dance. Get your super a** up, Barnes. You too, Capsicle." He demands, sauntering over and plugging the Wii in, quickly hooking it up to the huge tv.

"The others?" Steve asks, swinging himself up. Tony nods, and Clint happens to wander in with Natasha and Bruce; Thor was back in Asgard.

"So just clasp these onto your wrist and we'll get started. I call going first with the frozen soldiers!" Tony calls, Natasha rolls her eyes.

"How much you wanna bet he's gonna pick Uptown Funk?" She whispers to Clint, who merely smirks in return. They take a seat on the couch and Steve along with Bucky walk up and stand where Tony tells them to.

"So just copy the dance moves." He muses, scrolling through songs. A smile lights up on his face as the mouse lands on Uptown Funk, he clicks it. Natasha elbows Clint, smirking.

Steve clicks the player with the blue hand, (after Tony reminds him how to do so), and Bucky chooses the man with the red rose in his lapel. Tony takes the middle man.

The song begins and Bucky raises an eyebrow, he does a move and copies the dancers on screen. He gets a great and smirks.

"See that, Stevie? I can do this." He hums, doing another dance move. Tony, of course, was getting all perfect moves.

Steve was doing really well, sliding along the floor and in tune with the dancer on screen. Tony starts singing along and Bucky joins in, getting the hang of it. He strikes a pose and gets the golden 'yeah!' He cheers for himself.

"No fair. Beginner's luck!" Tony exclaims, Bucky was in lead but Steve was catching up.

"Totally fair, Stark. We're just better than you." Bucky snorts, Steve grins. Tony strikes a flamboyant pose and Bucky does as well, so does Steve. The song goes on and Steve does a cool move, Bucky notices and gives a wolf call. The song ends and Bucky had won, Steve was second and Tony had lost.

"Clint, Nat, you guys are up." Tony sighs, passing the remotes over. Bucky slings an arm around Steve's shoulders. Clint scrolls through and smiles, he clicks Black Widow and Nat rolls her eyes, she smacks his arm.

"Great work, Captain." Bucky purrs, walking up beside Steve and placing a hand on his hip. Steve turns his head and smiles, Bucky kisses his cheek.

"You too, you beat Tony's butt." Steve muses, wrapping an arm around his waist. The brunette hums something and kisses him gently, Clint complains about something and Natasha smiles as she dances, winning by a long shot.

"You two are awfully spry for two old men." Tony comments, sauntering by.

"And twice as flamboyant." Bucky retorts, striking a sassy pose. Steve does as well, a hand on his hip, sassy as well. Tony rolls his eyes and saunters off, Bucky smirks.

Bruce shuffles along awkwardly to a song with Tony, and Tony wins this time. Bucky and Steve cuddle up together and watch before dancing again. Well, Steve dared Bucky to dance to AlbaTross.

The song begins and Bucky dances along to the steampunk ballerina on screen. He turns his head, scowling, to look at Steve. The blonde smiles innocently and Bucky scowls. He does the dance and actually gets it pretty much perfect, he got the high score.

Steve and Bucky do Uptown Funk again, this time just the two of them. Bucky chooses the red guy again and this time Steve chooses the guy in the middle, striking a fancy pose. Bucky smirks at him as they dance.

The song finishes up and the two retire to their room when they're done. Tony smiles in satisfaction and Clint hugs Nat.

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