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This one is bad.


Bucky stumbles home late one night, his jacket slung over his shoulder and his short brown hair a tossled mess. He digs around in his pocket for his keys to his and his boyfriend's apartment. He staggers to the side and the key scratches around the key hole as he tries to unlock the door. After the fourth attempt the key slides into the lock, he wiggles it around and it finally opens.

"'M back," he slurs, arcing his arm and casually tossing the keys onto the table and they land with a chink. He stumbles again and staggers into the fridge.

Steve comes down the stairs and looks at him, his brow furrowed with worry.

"You sure were out late," he sighs, walking over and swinging Bucky's arm over his own. The brunette's head falls onto his shoulder.

"Pietro and me, we were at a bar," Bucky slurs and Steve sighs as he leads him upstairs. The brunette stumbles into him and his hand falls onto Steve's chest. "Oops," He mumbles, not bothering to move his hand.

"So with Pietro, nothing happened, right?" Steve asks suspiciously, there was something about Pietro he just didn't trust. Maybe he was over protective; maybe he was just plain hateful of the Sokovian blonde. He wasn't sure what it was.

Bucky looks up at him with a smirk. "Jealous, Stevie?" He purrs as they reach their bedroom. Steve sets him on the bed and doesn't answer. Bucky yawns and pulls his shirt over his head then slides his shoes off.

"G'night, Bucky," Steve sighs, brushing the brunette's hair back, and Bucky smiles sleepily at him.

"Night, Steve," Bucky replies with a yawn before closing his eyes. He quickly fell asleep and Steve sighed.


"Hey, Buck?" Steve asks the next morning and the brunette looks at him. "So... You and Pietro, you didn't do anything?" He asks uncertainly. He didn't trust the other blonde.

"No, we didn't. I thought I told you last night," Bucky frowns, crossing his arms and looking at him.

"Okay... I'm sorry, I just don't trust that guy," he sighs and the brunette nods a little, slowly.

"Trust me, alright? We just hung out last night, nothing happened," he assures and the blonde nods.


Bucky was invited over to Pietro's and Wanda's two days later.

"What time will you be back?" Steve asks, looking at him.

"Uhm, I don't know. Three ish?" He guesses and Steve nods.

"Okay. Love you, Buck," Steve says. The brunette smiles at him.

"Love you too, Steve," he hums, he winks at him before stepping out the door. Steve smiles a little and goes back to his painting.


"Hello, James," Pietro smiles, pulling him into a hug. Bucky smiles and hugs back. Wanda smiles at him and kisses his cheek.

They hung out for hours, chatting pleasantly, until Wanda slipped on a puddle from a recent rain. Her drink splashed onto Bucky's shirt, staining it with deep red. She stutters out apologies and he shakes his head.

"No, that's fine, Wanda. It'll dry out," he assures.

"James, I probably have a shirt that should fit you," Pietro invites.

"I'd hate to impose, Pietro," he says and the Sokovian shakes his head.

"It would be no problem," Pietro replies. He leads the brunette into his room and starts digging through his drawers. He pulls out a shirt and hands it to Bucky.

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