Robber-Bucky, Cop-Steve

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"Hurry up, the cops are comin'." Brock Rumlow warns, loading his gun with more bullets and clicking it in place. Bucky Barnes turns to look at him with a confident smirk.

"I ain't scared of any coppers, pal." Bucky replies, grabbing a couple bills from the cash register. Brock nods and takes some bags of chips, drinks and other food. Bucky hears the alarm, hears the sirens and slamming of doors, the cocking and loading of guns. He heard shouting and smiles to himself, pulling a switchblade out of his jacket pocket.

"Hands up!" He hears someone call loudly, the brunette slowly turns with a smirk on his face. He was now wearing a black mask and black goggles. His crew were already gone, waiting in the getaway car.

"Looks like you caught, me, officer." He sighs dramatically, luckily his mask didn't muffle his voice. The officer raises his gun and aims it at him.

"Put the knife down and remove the mask." The officer orders, still keeping his gun trained on him. The officer approaches him, his dark brown eyes staring at him. Bucky stares him down, his dark green eyes glinting with mischief beneath his dark goggles. The officer approaches him and Bucky reacts in a flash.

He twists around him and slashes his gun arm with his knife, the officer grabs his arm and twists it around behind his back. Bucky smiles breathlessly.

"Congrats, officer. That's very, very good." He praises before whirling around and driving his knee into his stomach. The officer keels over and coughs into his walkie-talkie that he needed backup. Bucky smirks, grabs a candy bar and opens it, he takes a bite of it before darting through the door and to the getaway car.


"That's the third time this month!" Nick Fury groans, leaning back and running a hand over his bald brown head. The officer who'd approached Bucky folds his arms and leans against the wall.

"I'm sorry, sir." He sighs, glancing up at him. His name was Tony Stark; brunette, brown eyes and a goatee. He was the master of sass and very bold.

"Maybe we should send the rookie in." Another officer, Clint Barton, offers. He had greenish-blue eyes and sandy hair. He was eighty percent deaf but still a good officer. Tony raises his head and frowns a little at him.

"Rogers? He's barely had any training." Tony frowns, he glances over to where said person was on the phone. Steve Rogers had blonde hair, light bluish-grey eyes and a strong physique. He wasn't a body builder but was still really strong. He also had a huge heart; he was kind to everyone.

"I can train him." Natasha Romanov offers, her long red hair hung past her shoulders. Her eyes were light green and she had pale skin. She was beautiful but nobody hit on her; she was deadly and a strong fighter.

"Why not. He might have something we don't with the guy." Fury sighs.

Steve looks up from his computer as Natahsa stops in front of him, his fingers hovering over the keyboard.

"Hey, Steve." She greets, he watches her quietly.

"Hi. What's up?" He says, pushing back in his seat.

"You're up. Fury's sending you out." She says and Steve's eyes light up.

"Great." He chimes, she smiles a little at his enthusiasm. She takes him down to the gym and begins to train him.


"Okay, Rogers, that's great." She praises, her chest heaving. They'd just finished hand to hand combat. Steve puts his hands on his hips and takes a breath, his chest heaving as well, sweating.

"Thanks. So I'm nearly ready?" He breathes, pulling a long sleeve shirt over his head. She smirks a little and nods. He smiles a little and takes a sip of his water out of his bottle.

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