Jumpscares and Injuries

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Jumpscaring a decades-trained assassin is always a very bad idea. However, Steve happened to be the king of bad ideas, as everyone knew. He was going to do just that.

He pulls on a mask - some animal mask he'd found at the dollar store - and crouches out of sight, waiting for him to pass by again.

"Steve, we really don't have time for this," Bucky calls, annoyed, as he walks around their apartment. They still had a full two hours before they had to meet up with the others at the restaurant for dinner, but Bucky wanted to be there early, and felt stressed because he really didn't want to be late.

Steve purses his lips and holds his breath. Bucky was an assassin, and trained to notice if something felt off or out of place. And it did, but the brunet couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Bucky frowns as he walks by the couch. Steve, trying not to laugh, leaps out with a yell.

"Holy f***!" Bucky yells, instinctively punching him. In the face. He leans over his knees, clutching his chest, while he gets over the scare. Steve staggers backwards, fumbling with the mask.

He yanks the mask off, holding his nose and laughing at him. Bucky scowls, straightening up. "What the h***, Steve, you almost made me piss myself," he huffs, glaring at him.

"I had to," Steve responds, moving his hand from his nose, blinking when he sees how much blood there is. Bucky curses and grabs his other hand, then leads him to the bathroom.

"And now look what you did. You're wearing my shirt, too," Bucky complains as he looks at him. Steve works on cleaning himself up, because blood was getting everywhere.

"Thanks for the concern," Steve says sarcastically and Bucky throws an arm in the air.

"You scared me," he points out, jabbing a finger at him. "It's my defense."

"So, what, a real-life wolf was attacking you?" Steve mops the blood off himself. Bucky crosses his arms defensively, glancing at the mask.

"You coulda' been a murderer in a mask for all I knew," he replies shortly. Steve sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Fine. I'm sorry, okay?"

Bucky studies him carefully, assessing the damage done and wincing a little. "What do we tell the others?"

Steve waves a hand dismissively. "I tripped."

Bucky nods slowly, not looking convinced. If there was a lie, he wanted it to be thought through.

He was a trained assassin. Obviously, he knew how to lie perfectly.

Apparently not.


"You what now?" Tony asks, furrowing his brows, looking suspicious.

"I just got into a fight," Steve says. His nose was still red and beginning to look very bruised. Bucky stabs at his salad, pretending to know nothing about it.

"But you kick *ss," Clint says slowly, gesturing again to his face. Steve shrugs and takes a drink of water.

"Didn't block a hit."

They didn't look very convinced, and Bucky could see that they were quickly losing. "Steve, that isn't what happened."

They all turn to look at him, and Steve gives him a look of 'what are you doing, we had a plan'. Bucky ignores this, uncomfortable with the sudden attention. He takes a slow drink, eyeing Steve and trying to communicate that he would fix this.

"Well?" Natasha prompts, waving for him to go on.

"So what happened was..." He purses his lips and takes another quick drink, scooching his chair forward. "Yeah, we were making out and -- "

"No," Steve interrupts, looking red. He quickly catches himself and tries to save it again. "Buck, that was last week, not today."

"Why're you two being so weird?" Natasha narrows her eyes.

"Wait, they're a couple?" Clint announces loudly, turning heads from the surrounding tables.

Steve goes redder and clears his throat. "Honestly, I just got punched in the face. It's fine."

"By who?" Bruce frowns and takes a look, making sure they fixed it properly.

"But why lie about it to begin with?" Natasha stares at Bucky. "What, you punched him or something?"

Bucky clears his throat, shuffles, and takes another drink. "So how it really happened. I was proposing earlier, right -- "

"Buck -- "

"And Steve like fainted or whatever, as you do -- "

"Bucky," Steve says loudly and Bucky gives him another look. Steve gives a small shake of his head.

"Yeah, I punched him. But he deserved it," he adds as an afterthought and they all shrug and Tony nods along.

Steve shakes his head and they continue eating dinner.


"Making out?" he scoffs, opening the front door and letting Bucky step through first. The others had already headed to their respective homes, and Steve and Bucky were walking back to their apartment.

"That would work, right? Smashing too hard?" Bucky muses as he walks. Steve stops on the sidewalk, burning red. He takes a breath and rejoins him, catching up to walk beside him.

"We could've just left it at me fighting someone," he argues.

"Yeah. It would be true to your character, at least," Bucky agrees as he shoves his hands in his pockets. "You fight anyone you can, right?"

"Not true," Steve retorts. "I fight those that deserve it."

Bucky rolls his eyes. "Uh-huh." He slings an arm around his shoulders and pulls him close, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his head.


Steve never tried to jumpscare him again.


Just had this idea of them hiding a stupid thing using the worst lies. Also, Chris Evans has a habit of pranking those he knows.

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