Wonderland Dreams...?

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"Okay, guys, g'night." Bucky chimes, holding Steve's hand loosely. The Avengers all say their good nights back and wave. The pair head upstairs, chatting quietly about the movie they had just watched.

It was Alice in Wonderland and they were pairing up who would be who in that universe.

"I don't know, I can see Clint as the March Hare." Steve muses, Bucky smirks and nods, shrugging his shirt off and getting pajama bottoms on. Steve sneaks a glance and smiles a little to himself. Bucky looks over and spots Steve checking him out, he smiles a little and subconsciously licks his lips.

"You'd either be the White Rabbit or Alice." Bucky hums, flopping into bed. Steve gets into his pajamas, same sort as Bucky's; shirtless and pajama bottoms. They both found it comfortable that way.

"Alice? Really." Steve huffs, Bucky smirks.

"Guess I'd be Cheshire Cat. Tony is definitely Caterpillar." Bucky hums, rolling into Steve's arms. The blonde wraps his arms around him and rests his cheek on his brown hair, feeling Bucky's breath tickle his neck. Bucky yawns and buries his face into his neck, he kisses his neck gently and smiles when he feels the blonde kiss the top of his head.

"Night, Buck." Steve says softly, settling down.

"Night, Steve." He hums, yawning. He quickly falls asleep and the blonde lies there quietly until he falls asleep himself.

That night Bucky has a vivid dream of Alice and Wonderland, but it was the darker version, the version with Hydra. It was terrifying.

Bucky rolls over in their bed, his hands clenched into tight fists that clutched the sheets tightly. He whines in a pained way, shifting. He suddenly lashes out and his fist pummels Steve's chest, the left fist. Steve jumps awake and looks over, he sits up quickly.

"Buck. Bucky, wake up, baby." Steve whispers, grabbing his shoulders and holding him down to stop him from lashing out. Bucky lets out a strangled cry, shifting even more. Steve's heart breaks, it was too painful for him.

"Bucky. Please." Steve pleads, shaking him a little. Bucky's arm shoots out and clutches Steve's wrist tightly, the blonde grits his teeth against the pain as he feels and hears the bones in his wrist creak.

Bucky shouts something about Pierce, grip tightening even more. Steve shakes him awake and the brunette sits up, his eyes narrowed. He hisses something in Russian and throws his fits out to smack Steve, who catches it.
"Bucky, it's me, it's Steve. Just Steve." Steve breathes, Bucky freezes. His eyes widen and he gasps, scooting back.

"The Hatter was Pierce and Caterpillar was Rumlow and they kept beating me over and over and-" Bucky swallows, Steve puts his hands on his shoulders.

"It was a dream, baby. You're okay, you're okay." Steve soothes, Bucky falls against him, sniffling. That was a terrifying wonderland dream. He eventually falls back asleep and Steve sighs, he stays awake.

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