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So this one isn't happy. I'm putting a trigger warning guys. I had this idea in my head late last night and it wouldn't budge. This is my interpretation of depression. So proceed with caution, okay?


"Once there was a little boy and he absolutely hated storms. They were angry, loud, and always followed him wherever he went.

"This boy would lie awake at night and listen to the thunder rumble. Whenever he concentrated on the storm, it only seemed to get louder. It scared him, but he didn't let anyone else know this. He went about his days as usual, a smile on his face, while the storm always raged on around him.

"And then one day, the storm was raging something awful. Lightning struck, and the boy fell to his knees. He was so scared," Bucky speaks quietly, gently holding Steve's hand within his own, running his fingers over his boyfriend's bandages. "He couldn't handle the storm anymore. Lightning struck again, and again, but still he didn't mention this to his friends, his family."

Bucky pauses and wipes at his eyes, listening to the quiet sounds of the hospital room. Steve's heart beat calmly, but he still looked pale. Bucky glances down at his arms again and he swallows thickly. "The boy was in the middle of the storm as it raged on, and this time, the thunder seemed more menacing, more alarming than before. He was in the storm, and he couldn't see a way out. And lightning struck again, until the boy couldn't take it anymore. The boy got hurt," Bucky whispers and tries to swallow the lump in his throat.

Natasha lets herself in and quietly closes the door behind her. Bucky looks at her and she sighs softly and sits beside him.

"How's he doing?"

"Still hasn't woken up," Bucky murmurs and rubs his face tiredly. Nat takes his hand and squeezes it gently.

"Get some sleep, I'll wake you if anything happens," she offers and Bucky lets out a tired sigh. He nods reluctantly and shifts in the hard plastic chair, trying to get comfortable. He takes Steve's hand and holds it tightly as he eventually falls asleep.


Bucky wakes with a jolt, breathing hard. He'd had another nightmare. He looks at Steve quickly and slumps in relief. He couldn't keep doing this, he didn't want to have to worry so much.

"Buck?" Steve mumbles, his blue eyes flickering open. Bucky looks up and sighs in relief. He hugs him close and kisses his temple.

Natasha lets herself out, closing the door softly behind her. Bucky pulls his chair closer to the bed and sinks into it, retaking Steve's hand in his own.

"How're you feeling?" Bucky asks quietly. He couldn't tear the image out of his brain. Steve, bleeding out in the bathroom. He remembered racing in, trying to find a pulse, calling 9-1-1.

"Just tired," Steve responds and Bucky looks at him.

"Stop lying to me, Stevie," he sighs and rubs his face. Steve swallows and looks down. The guilt was so heavy on him.

"I'm..," fine, really, stop paying attention to me "Doing... I'm not good," Steve replies softly and Bucky nods.

He blows out a breath and gently runs his fingers over Steve's bandages. "Why did you do this?" He asks in a hollow voice. Steve's face reddens, but not from embarrassment.

"I..," he wanted to say it was because he felt like a failure, because he hurt those around him, because he just wasn't good enough. "I don't know. I don't deserve... you, or the Avengers."

Bucky shakes his head, pain in his eyes. Steve swallows thickly and looks down again at his arms. He remembered what he'd done; it made him feel sick. "God, Buck, I'm sorry," he wavers and Bucky looks at him. "I'm so sorry," Steve chokes.

"Just focus on getting better," Bucky pleads. "We all care about you. I love you, okay? I love you with little flaws and all. The Avengers love you, they need you to keep them together."

Steve nods silently, tears dripping down his face. Bucky hugs him close.


It took a long time, but Steve did make it through. He made it through, and he kept on living, even though life was hard at some points. He and Bucky stayed together through all that, and they both saw the end of the line together.


Sorry about this one, guys. Had to get it out there.

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