The Player's Target

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This has been requested by @CityOfFandoms101, to the song 'Tonight I'm Lovin' You' by Enrique Iglesias.


Steve pulls on his jacket and shoes before glancing back at the woman lying sleeping on the bed, a white sheet covering her body, her blonde hair sprawled across her face. She was beautiful, Steve knew that, but like all the others, she wasn't the one for him. They were out there somewhere, but Steve didn't know where. But he was lonely so frankly, how he saw it, anyone fit the bill for him until he found that one person.

Steve Rogers was, to be honest, quite a player. He never stayed long, and according to those he had stayed with, he was gone without a trace within the next day.

Steve finishes tying his shoe and makes sure he has everything before quietly opening the door and letting himself out into the world again.


Bucky steps out of the club with a sigh and leans against the cold, gritty brick wall of the building. He runs his fingers through his tangled brown hair and fixes the collar of his shirt. The music still blasted from the speakers inside, lights popped and flashed. Bucky just needed a moment to himself, where it was relatively quiet and cool. Rumlow was waiting for him inside, and that thought alone was enough to keep Bucky out long enough to get a chill.

With another sigh the brunette glances back into the club. Electric violet strobe lights danced across the floor, crossing paths with neon green specks. Bucky steps through the door and almost instantly locks eyes with Rumlow.

Crap, Bucky thinks as Rumlow starts striding over. Rumlow stops in front of him, looking down at the ever so slightly smaller brunette. Bucky was only five foot nine, whereas Rumlow was a startling six foot three. He also loved to show off how much taller he was, too, maybe to prove something. Bucky wasn't sure.

"Took you long enough," Rumlow comments, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it. The brunette only shrugs as Rumlow drops his arm then takes Bucky's hand. "C'mon."

Bucky allows himself to be led to the dance floor, where people were dancing... well, he wasn't sure he could call it dancing. It didn't exactly have a flow, or a method, much less even a rhythm. Exaggerated flirting? Rumlow starts swaying to the music, moving his hips, and Bucky just kind of sways. He really didn't know how to dance the way they did, the way Rumlow wanted, and frankly, he didn't want to anyway.

He looks around at the crowd distractedly as Rumlow starts dancing with a terribly dressed woman. Which always confused him. Rumlow was really... well, overprotective, but also very possessive. So why try to cheat? Bucky wasn't complaining from the lack of attention, of course. He liked to watch people in their natural habitat, watch them flirt and often fail at doing so.

Steve steps through the door and looks around quietly. When he was bored he popped by this place, sometimes with a pal or two. Today, his friend Tony had accompanied him.

"Sweet, they got booze," Tony says with a smirk, looking at the blonde.

"Knock yourself out."

"Oh, you know I probably will," Tony purrs. He was such a flirt with everyone. Steve smirks a little and rolls his eyes.

"I know, Tony. Take it easy," he adds and Tony rolls his big brown eyes.

"Yes, dear," he retorts before sauntering off through the crowd, sometimes grabbing someone to dance with as he goes. Steve shakes his head a little and smiles slightly. He leans back against the wall and folds his arms over his chest, casting his eyes over the crowd. He recognized quite a few people, some he'd been with, even. Almost everyone had heard of him, given his reputation.

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