One More Tag

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Hey guys, I've been tagged by the amazing spideymanandloki so yeah, let's try this. I'll be writing fifteen things about myself.

1. I've done a movie before called "Animal Mania." (It was a movie I made with my family when I was small and young)

2. I can ride a dirt bike and not completely fail.

3. I'm good at Skyrim.

4. I've seen Doctor Strange. (I loved it)

5. I'm floundering for facts.

6. I've pretended to be in a lesbian relationship without knowing it, plus I've pretended to be the daughter of a lesbian couple.

7. I love dodgeball and always feel epic when I play and nobody hits me.

8. My dad taught me how to dance... Hip thrusting. Thanks dad.

9. Apparently I'm cute.

10. I love making lists.

11. A dragon is my favourite animal.

12. I have lots of OC's: Five lesbians, two gays and two straight couples.

13. The movie "Avengers" used to scare me.

14. After I watched CATWS my family and I went for a walk. It was dark and I kept imagining Bucky hiding in the trees.

15. I really love you guys! I don't mention it enough, but I really do. I wouldn't be here without you guys.

I tag halosaximus, Jedi_Granger and angelfaishal.

Plus, I wrote this on my Nanny's huge tablet. My phone busted, so I might take a while to write in general. Also, I've heard that the limit of writing a story is two hundred parts. Correct me if I'm wrong, of course. So I can't really add any more parts, since this is the last one. So that's fine, I'll just work on my many remaining one shots. Thank you guys! :)

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