Number Thirty-Nine: Real Gold

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Steve goes for a walk through New York one day, his hoody up to keep the rain off his face. He was already soaked, though, so it really didn't matter. He pauses outside of an antique shop, looking through the display glass at all the trinkets and stuff. He brightens a little when he gets an idea, he pushes the door open and goes inside to browse a little.

His and Bucky's dating anniversary was coming up. They were approaching, technically, twenty-three years. Of course, this was all back in the forties. They were so careful and secretive then, though. It was deeply frowned upon back in the day to love the same gender but their feelings for each other... there was no way their feelings would change. The skirt-chasing that Bucky did so often, Peggy, double-dates, that was all a cover to protect the little thing they had. Now, in the future, people were more accepting of this type of thing, Steve found, and after he'd found Bucky again and the brunette's memory returned, they readily started up from where they left off. Steve wanted this one to be special.

He comes back out with his purchase and heads to Avengers Tower, his home. He and Bucky shared a floor now, under Thor and above Bruce and Nat.


"Anyone seen Tony?" Steve asks when he comes in, dripping in the doorway.
"Nope. Hey, babe," Bucky hums, coming forward and about to hug Steve until he sees him soaked. "Aww, you're wet." He sulks, his shoulders drooping. Steve rolls his eyes and kisses the top of Bucky's head.

"Hi, Bucky," he hums. The brunette notices that the blonde was holding something behind his back and he raises an eyebrow.

"What's that?" Bucky asks, curious.

"That is nothing. I went shopping," the blonde replies and Bucky leans back and gives him a suspicious look, folding his arms across his chest.


"Yes, Buck, really," he nods. Bucky quirks an eyebrow and unfolds his arms, he sighs a little.

"Okay," he shrugs and wanders off. Steve watches him go and sighs a little, he knew Bucky hated having secrets kept from him, no matter how small they could be.

Steve walks upstairs and into the room, dripping a little on the carpet, and looks for somewhere to hide the purchase until he could find Tony. He pushes it under the bed and goes to dry off.

"What, got nothin' now?" Bucky asks when he sees him.

"Nope. You can't see 'cause it's a surprise, Buck," he says. Steve allowed himself to tell that much, at least. And by saying that, Bucky seemed a little more off edge, a little more relaxed.

"Okay," he replies with a yawn. He hadn't been sleeping very well lately and Steve had no idea why. Probably nightmares.

"Hey, you should probably get some rest," Steve muses and the brunette shrugs a shoulder.

"Fine. Don't leave me lonely, Steve," he warns playfully before heading upstairs. The blonde goes to follow, to get dried off but a tap on the shoulder makes him turn.

"Wanted to see me, Cap?" Tony asks.

"Yeah. I need some help with something," he says then quietly tells Tony his plan. The brunette smiles when he's heard all of it.

"He'll really love that, Steve, I bet. So where is it?" He questions.

"Upstairs under the bed."

Tony snorts and crosses his arms. "You are just the master of hiding important things, aren't you?" Steve shrugs a shoulder.

"Can we do it later?" Steve asks and Tony nods.

"I was forced to come out of conference with myself. I can't keep skipping those," Tony muses before sauntering off. Steve smiles a little, glad his plan was coming together. He heads upstairs to their floor.

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