Just Two Brooklyn Boys

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This has been requested by IntergalacticWriter.


It had been almost a year and Bucky was just finally beginning to get his old spark back. Steve was patient, of course he was; it was just hard to be patient. He had also figured out, after much deliberation and a lengthy discussion with Natasha, that he had had feelings for his best friend the entire time. He'd admitted to himself half a year ago that he was gay, and he was fine with that.

Steve was currently in his room listening to soft 40's music and drawing pictures of people he loved and cared for. It was dark in his room but that was okay.

He leans back on his couch and casually sketches Bucky in his 40's uniform. He finishes shading in his eyes and sighs to himself. He was tearing himself up over the fact that his best friend was his crush, who would never like him back.

The singer's mellow voice floats through the air and Steve puts his sketchbook down and rubs his hand over his face. He sits up and listens to the music quietly, but nearly misses it when someone knocks on his door. He swings himself to his feet and wanders over then pulls his door open to see Bucky standing there, fiddling with his metal fingers.

"Hey," Steve says with a small smile, opening the door wider for him to come in. He takes a step back and Bucky smiles awkwardly and steps through, reaching up to play with his long hair.

"Hey. I, uh, I was just getting kinda... Lonely but if you're doing something already I don't wanna intrude," he explains, speaking faster near the end of his sentence.

"I'm not doing anything. Come in," Steve invites and Bucky does so and looks around his room.

He found he really liked the music and he started relaxing in the space. It was dark inside, yes, but not too dark, and it was just comforting enough for him. It reminded him of afternoons in Brooklyn in Steve's little flat, when he would drag himself back from work, tired and beat, to see Steve trying to make soup, and frankly failing at doing so. He was no chef. He remembered seeing that mop of blonde hair poking up from a pile of blankets when Steve was fighting off yet another sickness, bundled in all the blankets his mother could afford. He remembered when there was a time when they were both okay, sitting outside on the steps next to Steve's place and watching the sun sink behind the dusty buildings surrounding them.

"D'you want something to drink, anything to eat?" Steve asks, walking into the small kitchen. Each floor in Stark's tower was more or less like an apartment. 

"I'm good," Bucky responds quietly, brought back from his reverie. Steve gets himself a glass of water and walks back into his main area.

Bucky was quietly humming along to the song, he'd perched himself on one of Steve's windowsills and his eyes were closed, yet he looked at peace. Steve smiles a little and takes a drink.

"I remember this song," Bucky speaks, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the pair. Steve looks at him to continue. "This is...Vaughn Monroe, isn't it?"

"That's right." Steve nods and lowers himself onto his couch, which gives a small squeak seemingly in protest. It was an old piece of furniture now. "'Let's Get Lost', I think."

Bucky nods quietly, watching the blonde. Whenever he looked at him nowadays his heart did a double beat and Bucky didn't know why. He remembered feeling that way towards Connie, Dolores, several other girls, but never towards a guy. It was new to him but he couldn't exactly say he disliked the feeling.

"Steve," Bucky starts and the blonde puts his glass down and looks over. "Will you... Uh..," he trails off nervously, what did he think he was doing?

He slides off the windowsill and lands lightly then steps over to the blonde. He takes a breath and offers him a hand. Steve looks up at him, slightly confused, but takes his hand anyway.

"Dance with me?" Bucky requests shyly with a small, awkward grin on his face. Steve smiles softly and gives his head a small nod.

"Sure, yeah," he agrees. Back in the forties Bucky had taught him how to dance, in case he was ever asked out by a girl. Which, of course, never happened, but he and Bucky danced anyway.

They move some of the furniture out of the way to create more space to dance in. They take the same positions that they held back in their day; Bucky leading and Steve following.

Bucky smiles shyly before slowly stepping into the dance. He was a little uncoordinated at first -- it had, after all, been nearly seventy years -- but Steve still found the dance enjoyable. The music changed to a much slower, softer tune, and Steve could feel himself relaxing into the space and becoming more comfortable. As Bucky himself relaxes they start to have some more fun dancing along into the night. The brunette twirls the blonde out then twirls him back in.

The tempo picks up and they dance a little quicker, easily keeping pace with each other. Bucky grins at Steve, who grins back. They were genuinely happy, for once, and both were better off for that. Bucky dips Steve down and holds him there for a second or two and they share a look. They had shared these special looks all their lives, but they seemed... different, now, as if special in some new way.

Bucky pulls the blonde back up as the song comes to a close and the record runs out, scratching quietly in the background. They were still close, almost pressed up against one another. Bucky tilts his head slightly at the blonde and sends him a teasing, half grin.

"Uhm. Hi," he says softly in a breathless voice, watching the blonde with nothing short of adoration. Steve smiles shyly back, his cheeks were beginning to go red.

"Hi," he responds quietly, looking back at him. Bucky smiles softly then tilts his head down a little towards him. Steve closes the gap and kisses him gently.

Bucky at that moment felt on top of the world. With all his memories running through his head, threatening to tear him apart, Steve was the one to keep him steady. And,  Bucky realized with a shock, he always had been.

The pair break away and Bucky looks down, his cheeks a light pink. Steve smiles awkwardly and brushes his hair away from his eye.

"That was..," Steve trails off, searching Bucky's face for any sign or clue for what to do next. He was clueless about it, himself.

"Late?" Bucky says through a grin, relieved when Steve nods his head in agreement and smiles back. Bucky pulls the blonde closer and rests his head on his shoulder. "Thank you."

"For?" Steve asks, hugging him back. Bucky pulls back to look at him, a small smile stretched on his face.

"Everything, Steve," Bucky clarifies before pulling away with a bashful look, shoving his hands in his pockets. Steve just nods, frankly dumbfounded. Bucky blushes and looks down then starts walking out. "Oh, by the way, Natasha was right, you're one amazing kisser," he says, turning around to give Steve a signature grin before stepping out. Steve smiles and gives his head a shake as he hears Bucky give out a little cheer outside his door.


I hope this is what you meant, IntergalacticWriter. Was it good?

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