Narcoleptic-Bucky, Stranger-Steve

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Bucky Barnes yawns widely and rubs his eyes, resting his hands on the steering wheel. He was heading to do a business deal in Alberta and to get there had to take a barely used road. He was kind of nervous about it, because since he had narcolepsy he could fall asleep at any time, so driving was dangerous. He could've taken up the offer to be driven by one of his friends but decided he could handle whatever happened to him.

He takes another sip of coffee and sighs, trying to keep himself awake. He keeps his eyes on the empty road in front of him even as it gets darker. He glances at the pills his friend Bruce Banner concocted in his science lab for him. He hadn't tested the pills but they're supposed to keep him awake for longer, a sort of stimulant. Apparently he called it Buzz.

Sighing, Bucky pops one in and takes a swig of coffee, he swallows these both down and flexes his knuckles on the wheel.

Hours later the day turns to complete night and the lights on the front of his car barely made a dent in the thick darkness. He yawns widely and closes his eyes for a second before focusing on the road again. Despite the pills and the coffee, he was getting exhausted. He figured he should pull over but the more stubborn part of him, the stronger part really, assured him he would be fine.

He squints at the road, eyes starting to slip closed. He blinks then yawns widely. Despite his efforts, his body just can't, and his eyes slip shut as he practically passes out from lack of sleep. The car veers off of the road and slams into a tree, and Bucky doesn't wake.


Steve Rogers drives along the empty road coming from Alberta and back home to Brooklyn. He yawns and stretches, briefly checking his watch and seeing it's two in the morning. He'd been driving for a while now, but that was okay, he'd had a nap a couple hours ago.

He keeps his eyes on the road and sees a shape up ahead in the darkness. Frowning, he looks in his rear view mirror before pulling up behind the shape, which he saw to be a car that had crashed.

Steve turns his car off and quickly unbuckles, he heads out and trots over to the crashed car's driver's seat. He knocks on the window and hears no answer.

He swings the door open and his eyes widen when he sees a brunette man in the seat, his head bleeding and resting against his seatbelt.

"Hey, sir, are you okay?" Steve tries, shaking his shoulder a little. The brunette doesn't reply and Steve curses quietly. He carefully unbuckles him and even more carefully pulls him free of the car. He takes his own jacket off and lays it on the ground then lowers the brunette down onto it. Steve kneels beside him and checks him for injuries; his right ankle was bruised and swollen and his forehead was bleeding heavily.

"Crap," He mutters to himself, leaning back on his heels. He searches his pockets for anything to help stop the bleeding. Finding nothing he decides to take off his sweater and use that instead. Anything was better than nothing.

"C'mon, fella, wake up," He says quietly, worried about the brunette man. He stays there until, eventually, Bucky does wake.

His eyes flicker open and he sees two blurry blondes in front of him. Bucky blinks until the two turn into one worried looking, tall, blonde man staring down at him.

Bucky looks up at the blonde then slowly raises a hand to press to his bleeding head, to find that the blonde had that under control already.

"What- what happened?" He asks, struggling to sit up and feeling pain wash over his head in reply.

"You got into a car accident," The blonde informs and realization dawns on the brunette. He sighs and leans forward, digging the palms of his hands into his eyes as he swears.

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