Love - Hate

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Bucky rolls over in bed, grumbling. He did not want to start the day, but because of college, it was apparently a necessity. God knows his roommate was already up.

Just thinking of his roomate made him groan in frustration. He was a goody-two-shoes, the teacher's pet, Mr. Perfect. Whereas Bucky saw himself as the polar opposite. He got okay marks, certainly not freakin' top of the class, and worst still, his roommate didn't even bother with bragging rights, making him seem as humble as he was smart.

Bucky hated the guy.

Steve hurries out the door, his books clutched in his skeletal arms. For a nineteen year old teenager, he was very scrawny and small. He had a mop of blond hair that never stayed put and light blue eyes. Baby blue, his mom said. Pathetic, he translated. He looked like a child.

He races towards the school, huffing and puffing. He didn't want to be late -- he had a perfect track record. Unlike his roommate, Bucky. So what if he was handsome and witty and clever? He also didn't do much and was rarely on time.

Steve and Bucky had never quite seen eye to eye. Maybe it was because they reflected off each other so much, maybe because they were such polar opposites it would just never happen. They always argued over the tiniest things -- whose turn it was to wash and load the dishes, who left their dirty clothes or towels lying on the floor, who needed to turn off the lights at night. There was always something going on, yet still, neither bothered to change rooms.

Steve makes it to class in time, grabbing for his inhaler in his pocket. He hated asthma. He uses it quickly before sliding into his seat, and class begins.

Bucky shows up about an hour late. As usual. Steve rolls his eyes as Bucky slouches into his seat, leaning over his desk. Steve leans forward to listen attentively to the teacher and class drones on and on for an hour and a half.

Next was computers. Now, that was easy. Steve was all caught up, and surprisingly, so was Bucky. So they had free periods.

Steve logs onto his internet user. He usually went by the name of StarsNStripes95 for almost everything. His friend Sam had picked it and the name just stuck. He starts looking for the contact he'd saved. Playing some simple game, he'd made a friend online and kept in contact, though they'd never yet met face to face.

Over the months at college, he'd made a friend that went by the name of SergeantBB. He was funny and kind, but he seemed confident as well as cocky. Steve ranted to him a bunch about his life; college, his parents, but mostly his roommate. Apparently SergeantBB had the same problem, because he always sympathized with him about frustrating roommates.

SergeantBB - U on?

StarsNStripes95 - As always. Anything new?

SergeantBB - nm. So guess who was at it again this morning?

StarsNStripes95 - Let me guess...

SergeantBB - Mr Perfect. Whatevr, he can keep his stupid grades and face and whatevr

StarsNStripes95 - His face? You're complaining about his face?

Bucky huffs and rolls his eyes. Steve watches the screen quietly, waiting for a response.

SergeantBB - its just - hes so perfect with everything. Every little thing. Even his face! Which isn't even too great tbh. Acts perfect tho, annoys the crap outta me

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