Mother-Hen/Caring-Bucky, Sick-Steve

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Bucky was sprawled out on the couch, his head resting on the armrest while he reads a book on the American Civil War. He was home alone because Steve was on a mission; Bucky was so bored. He knew, however, that the blonde was supposed to be back soon today.

Bucky's head shoots up when he hears something, his gaze falling on the door, hoping it's his boyfriend. When he realizes it's only their cat Greg. Bucky had picked the name, Steve had adopted the cat for him.

It was a birthday surprise for Bucky, because Steve remembered he loved cats. He picked the name Greg because they had recently started to watch BBC's Sherlock together, and one character, whom was one of Bucky's favorite, was actually called Greg, though nobody seemed to remember that.

"Hey, pal." Bucky sighs, Greg saunters over and hops up, he settles down on Bucky's stomach and the brunette pets him gently.

There's a knock on the door and Bucky springs up, Greg falls and saunters off, growling softly in his throat. He goes to the door and opens it, to reveal his boyfriend.

"Hi, Stevie." Bucky smiles, opening the door for him. Steve smiles softly back and wanders in, Bucky closes the door.

"So how'd it go?" He asks, going into the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of water.

"The mission went pretty well, we got him arrested." Steve replies, his voice sounded a little weaker than usual. Bucky noticed and he frowned slightly, his back to him. He takes a sip of water, trying to think of what could've happened to him. He turns back around to face him and leans against the counter, setting his water down.

"So you're okay?" He asks carefully, watching him. Bucky was really good at being able to tell when someone was lying or not. Steve looks down for just a brief second but that was enough to confirm that something was wrong.

"Yeah, fine." Steve nods, rubbing the back of his neck. Bucky notices that his cheeks are red. He pushes himself off of the counter and walks towards the blonde, before sitting beside him. He lays the back of his hand against Steve's forehead and his frown deepens a little. He was way too warm.

"Did you get sick?" He sighs, moving his hand to cup the blonde's cheek. Steve sighs a little and leans back, nodding slightly.

"But how...?" Bucky trails off as he sees just a red dot on Steve's neck. Of course. Steve explains that one of them had a dart that of course struck him and got him sick. Didn't agree with the serum.

Bucky sighs and gets up, looking at the blonde.

"Up you get." He says, Steve sighs and rests his head on the back of the couch.

"Why?" He whines, rubbing his face.

"Because sick people stay in bed." Bucky says simply, grabbing the blonde's hand and pulling him to his feet. He leads him upstairs.

"Pajamas, c'mon." Bucky instructs, Steve was still in his uniform, which was caked in dirt and blood. Steve does as told then the brunette gets him into bed.

"I'm not even tired." Steve huffs, crossing his arms as he sits up in bed.

"Geez, Stevie, just do it, will ya?" Bucky sighs, putting a glass of water by the bedside. So Steve just keeps quiet. Bucky made him soup, got him medicine, helped him with his headaches and kept Greg away from him. Partly because he didn't want Greg to get sick, partly because he didn't want anything bad to happen. Just in case.

Soon nighttime falls and the pair were heading off to bed.

"You sure you'll be alright?" Bucky checks for the third time, Steve had insisted that he sleep in the other room only because he didn't want to get him sick. Bucky wanted to stay with him. But, the sick blonde won out.

"I'll be fine, Buck." He promises, lying back against the pillows Bucky had fussed about. Bucky huffs.

"You better be, punk." He huffs, cracking a grin from the blonde.

"Jerk." He replies, yawning. Bucky smiles a little.

"Okay... call me if you need anything." Bucky instructs before walking into the room he'd be sleeping in. Steve yawns and coughs into his arm a couple times.

"You okay?" He hears Bucky call instantly, hears him sit up in bed. Steve sighs.

"I'm fine." He calls back, although he doesn't hear Bucky settle back in bed. Steve leans back down and sighs, burying his face in the pillow.

"You sure?" He hears, and he rolls his eyes a little, smiling slightly.

"Good night, Bucky." He calls back, and finally hears the squeaks of the bed signalling that the brunette had lay himself back down. After a while Steve falls asleep, and so does Bucky.

Steve woke in the middle of the night, his stomach in knots. He makes it to the washroom before losing his stomach, heaving into the toilet. Bucky was there in an instant.

"Oh, baby." Bucky whispers, rubbing his back gently. The blonde was dry heaving and Bucky winced for him. When Steve's finally done he sits up, Bucky gets a cup of water and some medicine. He also grabs some tissues then helps Steve clean up. The blonde takes a few small sips of water then the medicine, Bucky makes sure he takes enough.

"Thank you." Steve murmurs, already half asleep. Bucky sighs and helps him back to bed, feeling the blonde's body shiver as he held him up.

Bucky pulls a chair over and takes a seat beside the bed, Steve was buried underneath the blankets and Bucky was reminded of when Steve was so small, just a twig, really, catching a cold and huddling beneath their thin blankets, trying to keep himself warm. With the way his big, innocent blue eyes would look up at him, the memory still made Bucky smile to himself.

"I don't care what you're gonna say, I'm staying here tonight." Bucky states, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms. Steve sighs a little, his eyes were already closed and he seemed half asleep.

"Don' blame me if you catch a flu." He mumbles into his pillow, barely audible for Bucky to hear. Barely. The brunette smirks triumphantly before yawning. Steve's breathing had already steadied and he was fast asleep. Bucky sat awake until his eyelids just grew heavier and heavier until he himself was fast asleep.

The next morning, Steve was feeling remarkably better. He had no fever, just a small headache. Bucky took the credit for being an amazing nurse, and Steve granted him that, at least. Bucky told him to be more careful on missions, and the blonde agreed.

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