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"Bucky," Steve whispers, looking at the sleeping brunette. Bucky mumbles something and flops a pillow over his face. "You can't sleep all day, baby."

"'M not sleepin' all day," he mumbles sleepily, rolling over onto his stomach with a huff. Steve ruffles his hair.

"Sure, sure," he says, playing with his hair, and Bucky purrs happily. After a while of this Steve gets up and Bucky mumbles something.

"I'm gonna' go make breakfast, Buck, come out when you're ready," he says, kissing his head before getting up and heading out to the kitchen.

"Steve," Bucky whines, rolling onto his back and propping his head up on a pillow. With a sigh he climbs out of bed and yelps as his bare feet touch the cold wooden floor. "It's freezing!" He whines, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Steve!" He whines again and the blonde pokes his head into the room.

"Yeah?" He says, looking at the brunette's pouty face.

"The floor's too cold," he complains and Steve shakes his head. He walks over and Bucky climbs onto his back and clings to him.

"Better?" Steve checks, glancing at him over his shoulder, and the brunette nods in agreement. He nuzzles his neck then kisses his cheek.
"Yep," he nods. Steve walks back into the kitchen and starts puttering around.

"So what type of pancakes?" He asks Bucky, looking at all they could add. The brunette reaches around him and grabs the chocolate chips then motions to the freezer. When the blonde pulls it open Bucky pulls out cranberries.

"Chocolate cranberry," he says in way of explaining and Steve nods.

"Sure, why not. You add how much you want, the batter's ready," he says, walking back over to the counter. Bucky grins and pours in lots of chocolate chips, then a few handfuls of cranberries. Still on Steve's back, of course. Thankfully the brunette was light so Steve had no problem carrying him for a long time.

"Can I pour 'em on?" Bucky asks. Steve hands him the spoon and the brunette pours a huge one on.

"Okay, this won't fail at all, right?" Steve asks, picking up the frying pan. They didn't have a flipper so this was the only way to do it. Steve always did it, not because Bucky couldn't, just because the brunette had nearly dropped the frying pan on himself when it slipped from his grip one time.

"No, no, this'll totally fail," the brunette chimes in and Steve shakes his head.

"Thanks for the confidence boost, Buck."

"S'what I'm here for," the brunette hums and kisses his cheek. The blonde jerks the pan up and the pancake flips then lands back down in the pan.

"Ha," Steve says, glancing back at him with a smirk. Bucky rolls his eyes.

"I could do that too, you know," he scoffs.

"I know, I know," Steve nods. Bucky slides off his back and stretches his arms out above his head. Steve does the rest of the pancakes save for the last one.

"I got this," Bucky declares, rolling his left shoulder back. He looks at Steve and the blonde gestures in a 'go on' motion. Bucky picks the frying pan up and jerks it up, way too high. He watches as the pancake falls back down onto the edge of the pan, one half makes it in while the other splatters onto the floor. Bucky frowns down at the mess on the tile. "Aww," he pouts, putting the pan back on the burner.

"Did alright in my books, Buck," Steve says and the brunette smiles a little. Steve helps him clean up then sets the table. They dig in and Bucky loved it.

"These are amazing," he declares and the blonde nods.

"You sure do know how to pick flavors," he comments, getting up and putting his dish in the sink. Bucky smiles and puts his dishes with Steve's before starting to clean up.

"We need music or something, this is ridiculous," Bucky says after minutes of silence in their cleanup except for the running dishwasher. Steve picks up the brunette's Ipod and turns it on then connects it to a player and Bucky grins. One of his favorite songs comes flowing through. It was a slow song, called 'The Sound of Silence'.

The brunette turns back to the dishes he was drying but smiles when he feels Steve put his hands on his hips. He turns to face him, wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist.

"Dance with me?" Steve inquires and Bucky smiles.

"Duh," he replies and Steve smiles before taking his hand and starting to dance with him. They didn't move a whole bunch, mostly just swayed in a circle, changing direction occasionally, the moves were simple and they loved that.

"You're beautiful, you know?" Steve hums and the brunette blushes a little.

"You sweet talkin' punk," he says softly with a small grin, looking up at him. Steve smiles and Bucky can't help but smile back. "I love you."

"I love you too," Steve replies, Bucky rests his head on the blonde's shoulder. Steve kisses the side of his head and the brunette hums something happily. They dance still when the song draws to a close.

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