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Okay, this one was requested by CityOfFandoms101, I've never written anything like this because it's not really my area, but I figured why not try something different. This is going to be from the Avengers' point of view.


"'Night, guys," Steve says, Bucky nods at them. Tony nods back and Clint salutes casually.

"'Night Capsicle. Robocop," Tony replies. The two ninety-six year olds join hands and wander off to their room. Tony leans back into the couch and folds his arms across his chest. For once, all the Avengers were at the Tower. Thor had come down for a visit, Bruce and Natasha were flirting with each other and Clint had his dog, Lucky, curled up asleep on his lap.

"So what're we gonna' do?" Clint asks, looking at Tony, who shrugs.

"Watch a movie?" He suggests and they all agree. Thor had been wanting to see the Jungle Book for a while, so they set it up and settled in to watch the movie.

They got to about the first fifteen minutes before they were interrupted. Bruce frowns and Tony turns the volume down a little. They all go silent as they listen to whatever was going on in the room over. Nat exchanges a look with Clint.

"Is Cap...?" Tony pauses when Nat nods.

"What? I do not understand..." Thor frowns a little, looking around at them.

"Cap and his guy, they're uh-" Clint pauses to clear his throat.

"Fondueing," Tony adds, wiggling his eyebrows. Nat snorts a little and buries her face in Bruce's shoulder. Thor still seemed confused.

"So anyway," Bruce says a little too loudly before turning the volume back up. Lucky licks Clint's face sleepily and curls up even more. The sounds got louder and as it did so Bruce's face grew more and more red.
"Should we, uh-"

"Ignore it? Yes," Nat interjects, curling into Bruce's side as she watches the movie. Bruce shakes his head as he kisses her cheek lightly.


"Morning, boys," Nat smirks when she sees Bucky and Steve come downstairs. The pair looked tired, and the others could guess why.

"Morning, 'Tasha," Bucky yawns, flopping back onto the couch. Steve leans against him and the brunette kisses the side of his head. Nat, Bruce and Tony all share a glance. "So..."

"You Midgardians and your... your mating. It is interesting," Thor muses out of the blue and Steve manages to choke on air. Bucky rubs his back as the blonde coughs.

"What the h***?" He wheezes, looking at Thor. Tony shrugs as he sits down at the table, he wraps his arms around the back of the seat.

"You know what he means, Rogers, don't play innocent," Tony snorts with a slight shake of his head. Bucky looks at Steve.

"He has a point."

"Really, Buck?"

"Well... yeah."

"Barnes knows what's up," Clint smirks, scratching behind Lucky's ears as the dog pants happily, tongue lolling out of his mouth. "So was it... good?"

Steve's face went beet red and he hid it in Bucky's chest. The brunette smirks and wraps an arm around him.

"Still such a blushing virgin. Well, still such a blusher," he corrects and Steve groans. Nat smirks and curls against Bruce, who kisses the side of her head and holds her close.

"Oh, my boys," she smirks.


So that's that. Sorry if it wasn't all that good. Oh, and thank you guys, 'cause my book has reached twenty five thousand reads. Holy cow is all I have to say. Holy cow, thank you so much.

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