Water Fight

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It was a hot June day, boiling hot, and Bucky swore he was being cooked alive. He was tempted to complain to Steve, but of course the blonde was working in their small backyard. It badly needed tending to and Bucky just didn't want to do it, so Steve volunteered.

Bucky was lying flat on his back on the warm grass, his sunglasses propped on his face and his arms splayed out. Steve was pulling weeds and watering the plants.

"Steve," Bucky grumbles as the blonde waters their plum tree. "Steve," he repeats a little louder when Steve doesn't answer him.

"Yeah?" Steve responds, straightening up and brushing the dirt off on his jeans.

"I'm dying," Bucky mumbles, glancing over at him. Steve steps over and kneels beside him, placing the watering can beside him.

"Poor baby." Steve pouts at him and Bucky scowls and looks back up at the sky with an annoyed huff.

"I'm serious, Steve," he huffs and the blonde observes him quietly for a second. He grabs his hand and pulls him up and Bucky mumbles under his breath.

"Come help me with the garden then, it'll take your mind off of it," Steve suggests and Bucky groans, resting his forehead on Steve's shoulder.

"I don't wanna." He pouts, raising his head to look at the blonde. Steve kisses his forehead.

"We're almost done," he assures then hands Bucky a pair of gloves. Bucky, grumpily, yanks them on then stomps over to a pile of weeds. Steve picks up the hose and starts spraying some plants.

"I'm still dying," Bucky announces after fifteen minutes of working. Steve turns the hose on him and Bucky shrieks as the cold water splashes him, soaking his head until the tips of his hair drip.

He slowly turns to Steve, who had a grin on his face. Bucky smirks a little and dumps the weeds out of their bucket then holds it defensively up in front of him.

"Try and get me now, Captain," he taunts with a smirk on his face, holding the open part towards the blonde. Steve turns the water pressure up high and starts trying to hose Bucky down.

It ended up with Bucky having a bucket full of water. He smirks before throwing the water on Steve. The blonde yelps and stands there, frozen, as the water dripped off his clothes.

"Buck," he whines, and the brunette merely smirks. Steve scowls then shakes himself off.

"This isn't over," he declares as he starts jogging over to the shed. Bucky quickly arms himself with watery weapons. He fetches several balloons from inside the house then fills them with water. He was gonna win this.


Steve peeks his head around the shed, armed with water guns filled to the brim with icy water. Bucky was nowhere in sight.

"On your above, punk!" Bucky shouts suddenly and Steve looks up to see the brunette dropping water balloons on him. Steve jumps out of the way and turns his water gun on him, squirting him mercilessly with water.

"Jerk!" Steve shouts back as he ducks a water balloon. Both were grinning like fools and laughing, acting like children. They loved it.

For a second Steve thought he was going to be outmatched. Bucky had confiscated two of his best water guns and had them aimed at him while Steve had his other two aimed at the brunette.

"C'mon, sweetheart. Make a move," Steve dares and Bucky takes a step closer, still smirking and water still dripping off of him. He'd managed to keep his sunglasses on - Steve had no idea how - and he propped them up on his head.

"You really want me to?" Bucky asks, giving his water gun a little squirt.

"Dare you."

"Double dog dare?"

"Triple dog dare," Steve taunts, tilting his chin up slightly. Bucky pretends to look offended and holds a hand over his heart.

"Triple dog dare? Now Stevie, that just isn't fair," he muses as he takes slow steps towards him. Steve quickly squirts him in the eye and Bucky steps back, rubbing it.

"Who says I'm playing fair?" He replies and Bucky smirks at him.

"You asked for it." He starts squirting those water guns with all he is, getting Steve soaked. Of course, the blonde retaliated and squirted back.

They'd made quite a muddy, watery mess in their yard now, and as Steve went to run for cover he slipped and fell right into it. Bucky was laughing so hard, leaning over, that Steve grabbed his hand and dragged him down with him.

Steve looks at Bucky, who looks back at him, and they start laughing at each other. It was absolutely ridiculous. If anyone saw what Captain America and Bucky Barnes had just done, well, they'd be scornful, or amused.

"Still too hot?" Steve teases and Bucky smiles, closing his eyes briefly.

"Nah. I'm good."

"Good. I'd kiss you but y'know. Mud," Steve says and Bucky rolls over then sits up. Steve does too.

"Hmm, I guess. I think I need a shower anyway," Bucky muses then glances at Steve, he arches an eyebrow. "What about you?"

"Same here," he responds and Bucky smiles a little before grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. "Oh yeah, we have some plums ready, Buck," he says suddenly. He'd completely forgotten. Bucky brightens and practically skips over to the plum tree then plucks two.

He wordlessly hands one to Steve then takes a bite of his.

"Right. To the showers!" Bucky declares, taking Steve's hand and pulling him inside the house. Steve follows him.

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