Valentine's Day

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Here we go, this'll be a better one than the last one. Fluff and stuff.


"Buck," Steve says gently, putting a hand on Bucky's shoulder. The brunette snores slightly and Steve smiles a little. "C'mon, baby, up you get."

"'M sleepin'," Bucky mumbles into the pillow, rolling over and burying his face deeper.

"I made you breakfast," Steve hums and Bucky rolls over sleepily.

But I'm sleepin'," he yawns. He looks up at him, his light green eyes bright.

"But... I made you breakfast," Steve repeats and Bucky yawns.

"Fine, you swayed me," he replies, sitting up. Steve smiles and kisses the top of his head.

"Oh, I know," Steve hums, pulling him to his feet. Bucky rests his head on his shoulder.

"Aww, pancakes and bacon?" Bucky hums when he walks into the kitchen. "What's the occasion?"

"Happy Valentine's day, baby," Steve says and Bucky grins.

"Oh, yeah, it's the sickeningly sweet day," Bucky nods, taking a seat at the table. He puts some pancakes and slices of bacon on his plate then digs in. Steve gets a cup of coffee and smiles slightly as he takes a seat at the table.

"What're you grinning about?" Bucky asks, tilting his head slightly at him. Steve smiles and shakes his head.

"You're just cute," Steve hums and Bucky blushes.

"You sap, Steve," he replies and the blonde shrugs a little.

"I guess," he hums, taking a sip of his coffee. Bucky eats a slice of bacon.

"Thanks for breakfast," Bucky says, putting his plate in the dishwasher. Steve nods and starts cleaning up.

"No problem, Buck," he replies while he cleans everything.

Bucky wanders up behind him and wraps his arms around him. Steve turns his head a little and Bucky kisses his neck.

"Hello," Steve hums and Bucky smiles.
"Hi," he purrs into his ear, making Steve blush and shiver. "Aww, you still get embarrassed, that's adorable."

"You're adorable," Steve replies, turning to face him. Bucky hums something.

"I know, I try," Bucky shrugs.

"You succeed," Steve hums and Bucky licks his lips. "And you shouldn't be allowed to be sexy."

"Oh, really? Like this?" Bucky purrs, licking his lips again and giving his bottom lip a little nibble. Steve leans his head back and groans a little.

"Yes, like that," he nods and Bucky smirks. He leans forward a little and hovers his lips just above Steve's and the blonde pouts.

"You tease," he huffs and Bucky smirks a little.

"You know it," he says in a hushed tone, leaning forward and kissing him lightly. Steve kisses back. Bucky bites his lip a little and tugs on it and Steve huffs a little. He pulls Bucky closer and kisses him deeply, Bucky's eyes slip shut.

"I like this," Bucky purrs when they pull apart. Steve nods and rests his forehead against his.

"I do too. So what's our plan today, huh?" Steve asks, looking at him.

"I don't know. Any movies?" Bucky asks and Steve shrugs. He kisses him again lightly.

"Let's go see."


"That was terrible," Bucky declares when they come out of the theatre.

"I didn't know it was a tear-jerker, Buck."

"I can't believe that happened to that guy!" Bucky wails and Steve wraps an arm around his shoulders. "He was too cute to go." Bucky pouts.

"Well, thanks," Steve pouts, pretending to be offended. Bucky looks up at him.

"Don't worry, you're ten times cuter," Bucky assures, reaching up and running a hand through his hair.

"Aww, sweet talker you. Oh yeah, care for a kiss?" Steve asks and Bucky raises an eyebrow.

"Which one?"

Steve pulls out a bag of chocolate kisses and Bucky smiles.

"You know me so well, baby," he purrs, pulling out a few. Steve smiles and kisses his forehead. They go for a walk around town.


"Hey, Steve," Bucky says, staring up at the sky. They were spread out in a field, cloud gazing. The blonde turns his head to look at him. "You know I love you, right?" He says and Steve goes to reply but Bucky puts a finger up, requesting a pause. "I mean it. I don't say it enough and I oughta', because I really do mean it. You're my world, Stevie, I'd be a goner without you. I just... nobody's ever hung around this long, h***, seventy years now? I just love you so much, you keep me sane, keep me grounded. I love you."

Steve rolls over onto his stomach to look at the brunette.

"Really?" Steve asks and Bucky nods, rolling over onto his stomach as well, facing the blonde and resting his chin on his arms.

"You betcha', doll," he replies with a wink and Steve grins.

"I love you too, baby. So much," Steve croons, running a hand through Bucky's hair and the brunette hums happily. He sits up a little and so does Steve, then Bucky slides into his lap.

"Buck, what're you-" Steve begins and Bucky shushes him.

"You're comfy, captain, and it is Valentine's after all," he points out, poking a finger at his chest. Steve nods a little and wraps his arms around the brunette. Bucky leans up and kisses him passionately, sliding his hands up the blonde's back. Steve kisses back the same way. A couple droplets start falling from the sky but the pair don't move.

"Hey, Steve?"


"It's raining," Bucky points out, already getting wet. Steve nods a little.
"Uh huh," he nods, looking at the brunette. Bucky looks up into the sky.

"Bug off, weather!" He shouts into the sky and Steve smiles and shakes his head. He leans forward and kisses him again, forcing him to be quiet. Bucky kisses back and the rain pours down. Bucky ruffles Steve's wet hair and smiles a little into their kiss. Steve smiles softly.


"G'night, baby," Bucky whispers, resting his head on Steve's chest.

"G'night, sweetheart," Steve replies and Bucky smiles sleepily. He's the first to fall asleep and has good dreams.

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