Hybrid-Bucky, Post Serum-Steve

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Bucky sniffles as he races away from the man. The man was commonly known as Dr. Arnim Zola, a scientist who specialised in experimenting on humans and animals alike, thus creating animal hybrids. Bucky was the last to escape him out of the other captives; Bruce Banner, who was bred with a bear, Pietro Maximoff, bred with a cheetah, Natasha Romanoff, bred with a wolf, and he'd been bred with a cat. He had a fluffy brown tail, cat-like green eyes and fluffy, pointed brown ears that sat on his head, mostly covered by his medium long hair.

He rounds the corner, panting, hiding from Zola. He'd heard him racing after him, shouting curses in German. Since Bucky could speak, unlike some of the others, he would be able to spill all of Zola's work to the world. If thst happened the doctor would be ruined, so he had to get him back.

With his back pressed to the wall, Bucky whines softly in fear. He closes his eyes and waits for his heart to stop racing, stop beating erratically. He only looks up when he hears a rumbling of thunder to see rolling grey clouds in the dark sky. He starts running again- well, running, more like trotting, a mixture of using his legs and forearms like a cat might do.

Bucky doesn't watch where he's going as the rain starts pouring down, soaking him within minutes. He trips over the edge of the pavement and lands hard on his stomach, scraping up his hands as he throws them out to stop his face from smacking down.

He whimpers and bites his bottom lip with his sharp teeth, nibbling on it as he usually does when he's stressed. Lightning crackles across the sky and Bucky scooches back against the closest building wall, tucking his knees up to his chest and wrapping his thin arms around them. He rests his chin on his knees and swallows audibly, closing his eyes again. His hair dripped and his ears lay flat against his head, tail curled around his ankles.

He waits. Bucky waits for help to come, the storm to stop, for everything to make sense. He'd been cooped up in Zola's lab far too long for human comfort, and treated horribly. Zola always let his nephews play with his experiments, his creatures, hybrids, and the nephews were rough. His experiments were a different matter; those were much worse than the boys.

Bucky flinches at the sudden drum of thunder, dragging him from his thoughts. He squeezes his eyes closed tighter and curls up smaller, sniveling and shaking in the cold rain. Somehow, he's not sure how, Bucky falls asleep.


Steve yawns and stretches his arms out, sitting up. He rubs his neck and sighs softly, looking around his empty room. As usual, it was cold and Steve huffs, ruffling his blonde hair. He gets up and turns the heater on again for the fifth time in two days.

After getting dressed and fed Steve heads outside; it was a nice day out, still a little wet from the storm last night, but the sun had come out and shined brilliantly on the world.

He puts his hands in his pockets and hums a little tune to himself, sauntering down the street. One woman catches his eye- as in makes eye contact, not the flirtatious way. Steve wasn't really attracted to woman, in all honesty. She winks at him and he offers a timid wave back, not quite sure how to react. He didn't understand women.

Steve hears a weak cough somewhere near him and he looks around. The cough comes again and he hears a soft whimper follow.

Raising his head above the rest of the walking crowd, Steve spots a shaking something huddled against a glass building. The blonde carefully makes his way through the crowd of people and to the shaking person.

"Hey, do you need any help, sir?" He asks kindly, offering a hand to him. Bucky sniffs and swallows, shaking. He slowly shakes his head then nods. Steve kneels beside him, watching him carefully.

His eyes widen slightly when he sees a pair of cat ears, twitching anxiously, on top of a mop of brown hair. Bucky's tail twitches and he nibbles on his lip nervously, he shakes his head again more firmly. The crowd thins and Steve hears complaining of rain; he glances up to see that clouds were gathering once more.

Bucky tries scooching away from him; earlier he had wanted help, yes, but the cat in him told him he shouldn't trust the blonde man before him.

"Please. It's gonna rain again, do you have a place to stay?" Steve asks. Bucky looks up at him and swallows, his ears flatten down on his head and he has the urge to hiss, but forces it back. He shakes his head slowly and the blonde sighs a little, he looks up to check the condition of the weather.

There's a loud thunderclap and Bucky flinches, whining again. Steve looks back at him and offers him a hand. Bucky looks at him and Steve looks into his eyes, startled to find out that they're much like a cat's, almost exactly like a cat's. Bucky sniffs his hand a little then looks back up at him. He gingerly takes his hand and Steve stands up slowly, pulling the brunette with him.

Bucky stumbles and sneezes, shaking out his wet hair. Steve catches him before he falls completely and helps him. He guides him into his place and Bucky sneezes again, he shakes a little, looking around at Steve's place apprehensively. His gaze falls on the couch and quickly, cat instinct taking over, he hides behind it and curls up into a ball.

Steve sighs when he sees the shivering mass behind the couch, tail whipping in a frenzy.

"Hey, hey, you don't have to do that." He says quickly, going over. He hears a low growl and sighs again.

"Please?" He tries and Bucky sniffles, he slowly backs out and sits on the floor. He slowly looks up at Steve and nibbles on his bottom lip.

"Do you have a name?" Steve asks, watching him quietly with his light blue eyes. Bucky nods a little.

"Bucky." He whispers, sniveling again. Steve nods and smiles softly at him before getting up, he fetches a blanket and wraps it around Bucky's shoulders. He guides him onto the couch and the brunette leans back into it.

"That's pretty unique. I'm Steve." He introduces, reaching into his pantry and pulling out a can of chicken noodle soup. As if on cue, Bucky's stomach growls loudly. He scowls down at it and wraps the blanket tighter around himself. He sneezes again and Steve hands him some tissues before turning back to the soup, stirring it. Bucky watches him quietly, ears twitching this way and that, trying to catch the small sounds he heard in Steve's place.

Lightning flashes across the sky and Bucky hisses, causing Steve to glance over. Bucky's ears were pressed against his head and his tail was puffed up; he really hated storms, it seemed.

"It's only a storm, Bucky. You're safe." Steve assures him. He takes a bowl out of a cupboard and pours some soup into it, he gets a spoon before bringing these over to Bucky. The brunette accepts it gratefully, wrapping his hands around the warm bowl.

"Thank you, Steve." He says quietly before eating some soup. The blonde nods and goes about cleaning the little kitchen mess that occurred. Bucky has his soup quietly then shuffles over wrapped in the large blanket, he puts his dishes in the sink. The storm continues to rage but Bucky doesn't seem to mind as much now.

He goes back and sits on the couch, yawning. He was warm and full and content so therefore tired. He curls up, limbs splayed every which way, and he rests his head on his forearm. He starts purring softly, his tail twitching lazily. Steve smiles a little. He finishes cleaning up then dims the lights for Bucky.

"Night, Bucky." He says softly, Bucky's tail twitches as he sleeps peacefully for the first in months.


Over the next few weeks Steve and Bucky got closer and closer... the brunette totally trusted him and Steve was no longer lonely, his place didn't seem as empty.

Steve was currently sitting on the couch reading a book and Bucky was on the couch, his head resting on Steve's lap. The blonde scratches behind his ear and Bucky purrs contentedly, vibrating Steve's leg as he does so. Steve smiles and scratches the top of his head. Bucky rolls over and stretches an arm out before it flops back to rest on his stomach.

"I love you, Bucky." Steve hums, running a hand through his long brown hair. Bucky smiles happily and rubs against him, purring.

"I love you too, Steve." He purrs, curling up again. The blonde smiles, playing with Bucky's hair as the brunette fell asleep.

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