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Bucky looks around the corner, his heart beating rapidly. He looks behind him and swallows before he closes his eyes, draws in a shaky breath and turns his entire being invisible. He raises his left arm in front of his face and sighs in relief when he finds it invisible as well.

He sneaks around the corner and races into the empty building, he could hear shouts behind him and flinched as he heard gunfire. He leans against the door and bolts it shut, then holds his breath as he hears someone bang on it.

"Open up, we know you're in there!" Someone shouts and Bucky closes his eyes, pressing his body against the door.

"Hey! Are you crazy? Get up here!" Someone hisses into his ear and he whirls around, eyes wide. He whirls around to bump into a tall, strong blonde. He looks up and is instantly captivated by the blonde's bright, lively blue eyes.

"C'mon!" The blonde urges, grabbing his arm. Bucky blinks and stumbles after him.

"W-wait, you can see me?" He finally asks, since he was still invisible. The blonde pulls him downstairs just as the front door bursts open.

"Of course I can." The blonde says, giving him a strange look. He presses his ear to the door and listens, he hears people banging around, digging through stuff. Digging through his stuff, because it was his place. Bucky assumed it was empty.

"But... how?" Bucky asks in a whispered voice, since the blonde held a finger up to ask for silence. The blonde looks at him again quietly.

"You're a mutant. I'm a mutant. I can see you because of that." He explains briefly, glancing at him. The brunette watches him with amazement in his blue-silver eyes.

"What's your power?" He whispers, the blonde sighs. He hears a loud thump and more rummaging, he rests his head against the wood.

"You're awfully curious for someone trying to hide. Curiosity killed the cat, you know." He says quietly, quirking an eyebrow at him.

"I like knowing things." He shrugs. Someone thuds down the stairs and Bucky flinches, still invisible.

"Huh. Well, uh..." he trails off, then morphs into a golden retriever. Bucky's eyes widen.

"Wow. What's your name?" He whispers, they sounded ever closer.

"Steve. You are?" He asks quietly after he's morphed back.

"I'm Bucky." He introduces, relaxing when he hears trooping upstairs. The blonde- Steve- nods and relaxes a little, rubbing his back.

"Pleased to meet you, Bucky. If only it'd been in better circumstances." The blonde muses, reaching out a hand for him to shake. Bucky relaxes and slowly he fades back to colour now that the danger's passed; for now. He shakes his hand, now fully in colour and visible.

He had medium length brown hair and his left arm was metal, he just wore black. He smiles shyly at the blonde, taking his hand back after shaking. The blonde nods and rubs his back.

"So, you've been on the run?" Steve muses, the brunette nods. He gestures to one of the couches that was down with them and Steve nods. Bucky takes a seat and the blonde joins him, sitting on one end. He folds his arms across his chest and tilts his head at the brunette.

"Yeah. I, uh, I've been on the run for about three years now. They caught me," he pauses for a breath, his hands resting on his knees, he swallows. "But, uhm, I got away. They took this," he gestures to his arm, "for research, and I've been jumping around the globe ever since I got away from the place. Switzerland." He finishes, his hair hanging in his face. The blonde nods quietly, watching him.

"I'm sorry." He says quietly, Bucky nods and sighs.

"So what's your story?" He asks in turn, looking over at Steve. The blonde rubs his back a little.

"Well, I've been avoiding them for six years. They caught me two years ago and, uh, experimented on me," He explains, rubbing his back constantly. "It was Italy for me, where it happened. I found this place and made it into a safe house for others like me." He ends, rubbing his back. Bucky noticed but didn't mention it.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Bucky mumbles, the blonde nods and sighs, putting his hands in his lap. Bucky jumps up and turns invisible when there's a bang on the door, he leaps to his feet and Steve gets up as well, looking worried. He jogs over to a monitor and looks at it, cursing under his breath.

"We know you're in there!" Someone yells, banging on the door. Bucky creates a force field around himself.

"This door'll hold, right?" He whispers to Steve worriedly, the blonde nods a little nervously.

"Yeah. I made it safe, out of vibranium." He replies, shifting on his feet. There's another bang on the door and the metal dents inwards.

"Vibranium?" He asks, flinching as the metal cracks. Steve raises an eyebrow at this.

"Yeah. It's supposed to be safe, at least." He shrugs, Bucky huffs and looks forwards as the door actually breaks. Steve shapeshifts into a puma and crouches down, a low growl in his throat.

Men in black burst through the door loaded with guns. Steve was behind the couch. They spot the shimmer of Bucky's force field amd open fire, Bucky holds firm. He stands strong and his silver-blue eyes glint. He catches one of the bullets off of the shield and sends it shooting back at one of the men, it pings off of his goggles and he whips them off.

Steve pounces on one and attacks him viciously, like a puma would. The brunette looks away, it was a gruesome sight. At least he knew never to get on the blonde's bad side.

Bucky turns off his force field and leaps at a man, wrapping his metal arm around his throat and jerking it to the side, snapping it in one foul swoop. The rest of the men scatter; too scared, apparently. Some men of the government they are.

Steve morphs back into himself, he looked sick and disgusted. Bucky stays invisible but goes to Steve's side. Even though they had just met, Bucky felt a... well, something with him.

"You okay?" The brunette asks quickly, eyes bright. Steve nods, getting to his feet.

"C'mon, up. I got another spot." He breathes, motioning the brunette to follow. And follow he does, up to the roof. There was a little hatch, which Steve swings open. He climbs down into the hiding place and Bucky follows.

They hide out there until they can't hear any more voices, words trailed off like 'probably jumped' or 'maybe they ran'. Bucky relaxes and becomes visible, Steve looked sick. He pushes the hatch open and crawls out, Bucky follows.

He morphs into a cat and starts gagging, Bucky frowns and sits on the edge of the roof, watching the cat. Steve changes back to human and sighs, then he just lies on the roof.

"So we're safe now?" Steve breathes, Bucky nods. They chat for a while and get to know each other. Steve had a crush on him. Bucky liked him. They decided to dedicate each other to... well, each other. They lived in constant danger, but it was fun that way.

"Hey Steve?" Bucky asks one day, glancing at him. The blonde lifts an eyebrow at him.

"Why do you rub your back so much?" He asks, the blonde frowns a little. The brunette carefully runs a hand under his shirt and up his back, he feels criss-crosses up and down his back and he sighs.

"Oh." He says softly and Steve nods, blowing out a breath.

"Yup." He nods, Bucky hugs him. Steve hugs back and rests his head on his shoulder.

"Love you." Steve says, Bucky smiles.

"Love you too." He agrees, kissing his cheek.


Felt like this was going downhill fast... so I ended it. I had this amazing idea and tried it but then it flopped onto the ground and failed so... yeah. Sorry, guys.

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