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Bucky quietly taps his fingers on his legs, waiting for Steve to return. They were on a fancy date at a fancy restaurant.

Steve heads back to their table, offering the brunette a bashful smile. "Sorry I took so long."

"That's okay," he replies with a smile up at him. Steve fiddles with his hands, still blushing slightly. He clears his throat awkwardly and Bucky tilts his head to the side a little, watching him. Then Steve swallows and gets on one knee, pulling a small black box from his pocket. Bucky gasps and the surrounding tables turn their heads to look at the pair. Steve blushes, glancing briefly at everyone, before meeting Bucky's eyes again.

"Uhm, I don't really know how to say this, uh..," he trails off, clearing his throat, blushing bright red. "Uhm... Bucky, I was, uh... Will you marry me?" He asks in a rush, Bucky smiles gaily, happy tears in his eyes.

"Yes, yes you dork," he laughs lightly and Steve grins, getting to his feet. Everybody around them aww's and claps as the pair kiss gently. Steve slides the ring onto Bucky's ring finger while the brunette sniffles, a dopey grin on his face.

The waitresses step towards them, eyes gleaming. "I'm so happy for you guys! We have a policy, proposal dinners are on us," one lady interjects, Steve looks at Bucky.

"Oh, we'd hate to impose," he says bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. Bucky hugs him around the waist and gently kisses his cheek.

"No, don't worry about it," a redhead waitress pipes up, looking at them with a smirk. Bucky smiles gratefully at her, holding her gaze for a second before glancing over at Steve.

"So it's really okay, baby?" He says incredulously, smiling happily. Steve smiles back and nods.

"Thank you," he says gratefully to the waitresses gathered as they take their orders. The redhead serves them, shooting the brunette a look. Bucky raises his eyebrows at her slightly, still smiling pleasantly.


After they eat, they thank everyone profusely and head on out. They walk in silence all the way to their apartment. It's only when they're safely inside when they start laughing.

"Laying it on thick, huh, Stevie?" Bucky grins, elbowing him in the ribs.

"Hey, it worked, right?" Steve protests, falling back against their couch. Bucky pulls off the ring and places it on the table gently, even though it was a cheap plastic band made to look like the real thing.

There's a knock on the door and Bucky gets up to answer it. That same redhead waitress is standing there, her arms crossed firmly over her chest.

"You two are pathetic," Natasha states, Bucky sighs and lets her inside.

"It worked, 'Tasha," he points out, closing the door behind her. She rolls her eyes as she goes digging through their fridge.

"Just wait until it doesn't." She smirks at the thought and pulls a Pepsi from their fridge. "Nice acting though, Rogers, you almost had me convinced," she adds with a glance towards the taller blonde. Steve smiles.

"Next time I'm proposing," Bucky says as he sits beside Steve on the couch. Nat shakes her head as she takes a gulp of pop.

"Work on your lines some more then, Barnes," Steve scolds playfully and Bucky pouts.

"Hey, I was amazing tonight. Did you see that tearing up? That's hard, man," Bucky shakes his head, leaning back against the soft beige fabric of the couch. Steve rolls his eyes and nudges him back with his elbow.

"Whatever. We need to go shopping again," Steve says off-hand and Bucky sighs.

"Of course we do. You can do it this time, Stevie."

"I did it last time!" Steve protests and Bucky looks at him.

"Remember the last time I did it? I got lost in the clothing section," he reminds and Nat snorts.

"Wow, really? What were you looking for?" She prompts and Bucky grumbles something.

"Bread," he grumbles, obviously still remembering the time. He didn't like grocery shopping in the least. Nat takes another sip of her drink to hide her smirk.


The next night the same thing happens. Bucky proposes at a different diner, and the both of them fake cry, smile, and flirt their way towards another free dinner. They really were such cheapskates.

They weren't caught, but once Steve started making enough money to support them, they eventually stopped fake proposing.

And two years later, Steve proposed for real. Bucky was absolutely ecstatic, of course, and said yes right away.

"Not fake?" Nat checks as they go out to dinner to celebrate. Steve looks at Bucky and smiles. The brunette glances up from fixing his tie and meets his eyes, then smiles happily.

"Nope, it's the real deal," Steve hums, smiling at his fiancé.

They had a great night and were married two months later. They lived a good life together.


I finally got this done.

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