Mermaids and Socks

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Original idea not mine.


Becky sits up in the water, her sea green eyes wide. It had worked. She had legs! The brunette looks down at herself in astonishment and sees two pale legs. She climbs to her feet and looks herself over before flopping back down into the water. She huffs and tries again, clinging to a rock to help support her.

After several tries she manages to walk. She was amazed by everything, though the ground did hurt her bare feet. She runs giddily through the streets nonetheless and darts into a clothing store. She had several sand dollars in hand, small, but she figured they would do. She sees rows upon rows of colourful socks and smiles happily. She grabs as many pairs as she can hold before trudging over to the till.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, you don't have any money to pay for that," the woman at the till says with a frown and Becky frowns down at the sand dollars in confusion. Were they not currency? She tries again, handing her several more dollars. The lady looks as confused as she and shakes her head.

"Sorry, ma'am, that isn't currency here," she says and Becky looks sadly at the pile of socks. The woman looks unsettled at Becky's attire; she wasn't wearing much and was very pale. "Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She was disturbing her and her customers.

Becky looks at her with wide eyes then she turns away and hurries out. Before she knows it, she starts crying big, wet tears.

Stephanie had been watching the entire time. She fixes her beanie properly on her blonde head before getting up from the café table she'd been sitting at, drinking a cup of hot chocolate. She heads over to the store.

"I'd like to buy these," Steph tells the lady, putting down a pair of black and white knee-high socks. The woman nods and Steph hands over the correct amount of money before grabbing the socks and trotting out of the shop.

Becky still hadn't moved, but she had stopped crying. She looked miserable. Steph stands beside her and quietly clears her throat, making Becky look up quickly.

"Hi there. I, uh, I noticed you were upset so I went and bought you these," Steph offers, handing her the socks. Becky looks at them in wonder then eagerly pulls them on. She smiles happily and claps then gets to her feet. Steph smiles softly as she watches.

"You look cold. Would you want to get some tea with me?" She suggests shyly with a small smile and Becky beams, now radiant as ever. She nods quickly and takes Steph's hand, causing the blonde to blush. She leads Becky over to the café she'd been before.

They order tea and Steph gives her her jacket. It was a little too big but she looked grateful for the warmth.

"I'm Stephanie. What's your name?" Steph asks and Becky blushes bright pink, tucking her hair away from her face. She tries speaking, but it comes out as small little squeaks. Steph looks a little confused, then Becky huffs. She tries acting it out and Steph seems to understand some of the story.

Then Becky tries to say her name. She squeaks it and Steph tries to understand, but of course she doesn't. Becky didn't know their language yet; of course it'd be hard for her to try and speak it.

"Uh, Becca?" Steph guesses and Becky shakes her head and repeats it slowly, lowering her voice just a little. To her, it was incredibly low, but to Steph, it was still as high-pitched as a mouse. "Becky?" She tries and Becky grins widely, giving her hands another clap. Steph smiles. Becky was so cute.

So over time Steph invited her to live with her in her little -- somewhat shabby -- apartment, but she'd have her own space. Becky took the offer up in a heartbeat.

Stephanie eventually taught her how to speak English. It took a while, though; English is a terribly hard language to learn. They sit together in the big armchair they'd bought. It was just large enough for the both of them to fit, maybe a little squished.

"I been practicing," Becky announces proudly and beams at her. Steph grins and brushes Becky's hair away from her eyes.

"Let's hear it," she says with a smile. Becky blushes a little and takes a breath, concentrating on how to form the words.

"Stephanie, I love you," she speaks and looks at the blonde, blushing bright red. The blonde goes quiet for a second, watching her with a small smile. She wraps her up in a hug and Becky slides onto her lap.

"I love you too," Steph hums and Becky smiles happily and looks down at her socks. She still wore and kept those black and white striped socks for years and loved them dearly, but not as dearly as her girlfriend.

Eventually, the two got married and lived a peaceful life. A simple life, and all was well.


I finally got one done! *Happy dance* Finally!

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