Number Twenty-Five: New Member

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Bucky takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out, his heart pounding loudly in his ears as he glances at the wide open door. He heard fighting outside, loud and metallic as the Avengers fought Ultron's army of minions, his robots.

You step out that door, you are an Avenger. Clint had told him so. Bucky shares a glance with Wanda, who looked terrified. He, along with Wanda and Pietro, had been under HYDRA's control for a while until they joined with the Avengers. Wanda and Pietro signed up for the experiments; Bucky wasn't given the choice.

He slips his hand into Wanda's and offers a small, nervous smile. He was scared, which was okay. Everybody was right now. She looks at him and nods, together they rise to their feet.

"Are you ready, James?" She asks, her brown eyes flash red and he nods, squeezing her hand. She was like a sister, and Pietro, he felt like a brother. They were the family Bucky wished he'd had.

"Let's go kick some a**," he replies and she smirks. He tightens his metal hand into a fist and the metal complies, the plates sliding and shifting closer as if anticipating what they're about to do.

The pair burst through the door, Bucky with a gun in one hand and knocking robots away with his metal hand. Wanda was brilliant, she did exactly what she'd been made to do, twirling her hands and gesturing towards robots, often sending them tearing apart with her red magic.

Bucky jumps up and grabs a robot's head with his left hand, then squeezes tightly, smashing the head to a crumpled mess then tossing the mangled mess to Wanda to finish off. They were a great team, but Bucky wondered how Steve was doing. He was worried about him, of course.

"Barnes, go meet up with lover boy! He needs a little help!" Barton calls, pulling his bow back and watching as an arrow skewers a robot's chest. Bucky nods once before ruffling Wanda's hair then racing off.

"Goin'!" Bucky shouts over his shoulder, ducking beneath a low flying piece of metal. The team was widely separated, Steve was practically on the other side of the city. But, the brunette makes it there.

"All clear here?" He calls to the blonde, who glances at him quickly before swinging his shield into a robot's head, smashing it.

"Not clear, Buck, we are very not clear!" Steve grunts as he spins, throws his shield violently into a robot's stomach and then jumps at it. He leaps forwards and shoves the shield through the robot's body before planking and falling to the ground.

Bucky trots over and offers him a hand, he hauls Steve to his feet.

"When'd you learn that move, huh?" Bucky breathes, catching his breath. Steve puts his hands on his hips, breathing hard and covered in dirt.

"Just now. Can't believe that actually worked," Steve replies, looking around, and Bucky smirks. He puts his hand on his shoulder and squeezes, Steve looks at him and they share one of those looks, those looks that made everyone think they're a couple.

"Right. Robot invasion, geez Steve, how'd you sidetrack me?" Bucky sighs and Steve smiles.

"Probably with my charming good looks?" He says and Bucky shoves his shoulder.






The ten of them stand around the big- key- plunger- thing- whatever Bucky thought it was- standing as a team against Ultron's forces. Bucky glances at Steve as they wait.

"That the best you can do?" Thor shouts and Ultron smirks, he waves and the rest of his army comes clambering forward. Steve gives Thor 'that done look', as Bucky called it. He'd seen it so many times and found himself smiling discreetly at the memory of it.

"You had to ask," Steve huffs, Bucky smirks a little but sighs as Ultron starts giving a whole speech.

"Let's get to the fighting already," Bucky moans inwardly, metal hand twitching. Sooner than he thought, the fight was on and everybody was doing their part as best they could. Bucky kept glancing over at Steve to make sure he was doing okay, and he was doing great, better than great. Steve goes twirling through the air at one point and Bucky snorts loudly, shaking his head. He was such a ballerina.


Bucky heard gunshots before he saw anything. He saw a blur of blue and silver and his eyes widened.

"No. No, Pietro," he whispers, suddenly feeling very light-headed as he realises what he's going to do.

"Y-you didn't see that coming," Pietro rasps, his voice already weak as he falls forward onto his front, his body riddled with bullet holes. Bucky's heart stops and he leans against the wall. He hears Wanda scream, hears her wail in anguish and he closes his eyes, he swallows the lump in his throat and a tear slides down his face.


Steve wraps an arm around Bucky's shoulders and hugs him close. The brunette swallows and leans into him, tears sliding down his face. Wanda came over, her eyeliner running down her face. Bucky gently removes himself from Steve's grip and moves towards Wanda. She wraps her arms around him and starts sobbing again. Bucky whispers softly in the language they both knew. She hugs him tightly and Steve sighs.


Maybe a month later, they were all making a team with all the Avengers who still wanted to be on that team. Wanda, Sam, Vision, Nat, Steve, and Bucky. It was small, yes, but they could make it work.

Bucky stands at Steve's side proudly and the blonde looks over at him and smiles.

"You ready?" Steve asks, smiling at him. Bucky smirks and turns his gaze towards the doors.

"Let's beat 'em into shape," he replies, smirking. They walk forward and Steve pushes the door open to see all of them gathered.

"Avengers..." he begins but is cut off as Bucky kisses him full on the mouth. All the Avengers laugh and smile and Nat smiles softly. Of course, Steve kisses back.

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