Number Thirty-Seven: Long Drive

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"Ready to hit the road?" Stephanie asks, shoving the trunk closed. Bucky nods.

"Let's hit it," he replies, smiling at the blonde. He circles around to the passenger seat and climbs in.

"You sure 'bout this, Buck?" Steph asks, giving him a look. Bucky gives her a look back.

"Of course. I wanna travel, Steph," he whines, slouching in his seat. They'd been planning this trip for several weeks now. Steph was travelling to see how far she could make it and her best friend, Bucky, had demanded on tagging along. She'd had feelings for him, of course she had, until he told her that he was gay. Which, of course, was fine with her. They were still great friends.

She pulls out of the driveway and gets onto the main road, humming along to the song linked from her Ipod. It was one of her favorites by Melanie Martinez, "Mad Hatter".

"This dream, dream is a killer, gettin' drunk with a blue caterpillar," Steph sings and Bucky smiles, glancing at her.

"You never told me you sang so... eloquently," Bucky says and Steph turns the song down a little, shrugging a shoulder.

"Well, you never asked," she replies and he hums a little.

"Hmm, you've got a nice voice," he comments and she blushes slightly. Not much, because she knows he isn't flirting with her.

"Thank you, Buck," she replies with a roll of her eyes, knowing he's obviously obliged to compliment her. It goes quiet, just the music faintly plays in the background. They travel for several hours chatting about life in general when they have to stop for gas.

Steph was coming back to the car when she heard a grunt and a scuffle of shoes. She raises an eyebrow and peers around the corner of the store to see Bucky there. Before she can get a good look at what was going on he saw her out of the corner of his eye and turned around to see her.

"Buck?" She asks questioningly, taking a cautious step forwards.

"What?" He asks, looking at her innocently. She narrows her eyes suspiciously, giving him a once over.

"You were fighting again, weren't you," she accuses and he raises his eyebrows.

"Never!" He protests but she circles around to see an unconscious guy lying beneath him. "More than one." Bucky adds and Steph sighs.

"Bucky, we agreed no more fighting!" She complains, running her hands through her long blonde hair.

"This guy was askin' for it! He said something bad about you, Steph, when he saw you come out of the car," Bucky explains and Steph crosses her arms.

"Oh really. What'd he say?" She tests and he leans forward and whispers it in her ear. Her eyes widen slightly.

"Well- well, you should learn to ignore stuff like that, Buck," she informs and he sighs. "Why would you care anyway?"

"Because you're my best friend. Nobody has the right to say hurtful things about you, Stephanie."

She sighs and looks him in the eyes.

"Thank you, Bucky," she says and the brunette nods a little. He climbs into the car and so does Steph, they start going again.


On their trip, Steph realized a couple things; one, she would never ever trust gas station food again, two, she preferred driving instead of just sitting there and three, she was growing feelings for Bucky all over again. Which would only result in pain for her, and she knew that, knowing Bucky would never be able to return her feelings.

Bucky sits quietly and stares out the window as they drive through Canada, driving through some scenic green valley he was liking. He wanted to tell Steph his secret, but he knew she'd hate him. How would he say it? 'Surprise, I'm not gay'? He knew she'd had feelings for him, he'd had feelings back, but he'd panicked and explained how he was gay. Bucky had never looked at a guy that way, kissed a guy, no, he knew he was straight. Steph didn't know that, though, which was his problem.

"Hey, Buck?" Steph pipes up, glancing at him a little. He looks her in the eyes and still finds them as beautiful as ever, crystal blue and slightly grey.

"Do me a favor, can you drive for a bit?" She asks and he nods.

"'Course. Pull over then," he replies and she does so.

"Thanks, Bucky," she hums, settling down into the passenger side. He smiles at her and nods.

"No prob," he muses, buckling up and starting to drive off. She yawns a little.

He drives for a couple hours and it was starting to get dark.

"Steph, we should probably stop for the night," he muses, turning to look at her to find her asleep. Her head was resting against the window and she was snoring softly. He smiles a little before pulling over onto the side of the road and turning the engine off.
Since he didn't want to wake her, he stays put and curls up into a tiny ball with a quiet sigh.

"'Night, Steph," he whispers before closing his eyes. He's asleep within minutes.


Steph was the first to wake. She sits up and rubs her eyes, still half asleep.

"Buck?" She mumbles through a yawn, stretching out her achy body. The brunette doesn't move, he was sound asleep and snoring a little. She smiles and gives him some time, she wakes up herself.

"Morning," Bucky yawns when he wakes, sitting up and resting his elbows on the wheel, head in his hands.

"Sleep well?"

"Oh, I slept fine," Bucky yawns, rubbing his eyes. Once they fully wake the two switch spots.


Bucky watches Steph quietly while she drives quietly, both quite lost in their thoughts. Bucky wanted to tell her his feelings, he really did, and was struggling to find out how to say it.

"I-I'm not gay," he bursts, his mouth working faster than his head, as usual. Well, this works too. Steph raises an eyebrow and pulls over.

"Are you serious."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you beforehand. When you said you liked me, uhm, I panicked and said I was gay. I had a huge crush on you then. I, uh, I still do, in fact," he explains quickly, chest tightening with anxiety. She studies him silently for a while, her head was tilted a little to the side and her lips were slightly parted. Before Bucky can react she leans forward and fills the emptiness with a kiss. Bucky, surprised, freezes for a second before slowly kissing back.

"You idiot, thinking I wouldn't like you," Steph breathes after pulling away. He laughs lightly, sheepishly, and rubs the back of his neck. She kisses him again and he kisses back readily. "I like you too." She adds after pulling back once more and Bucky grins.


After they arrive back home, throughout the years, the two married and had three beautiful children, Peggy, James and Sammy. They lived happily.

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