Winter's Boys

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This was requested by Wolfleader38 so here we go. The boys are in a rock band.


Bucky shakes out his arms then ties his hair into a loose bun and tucks the hair strands behind his ear. He smudges some black around his eyes then fixes his leather jacket more firmly on his body. He grabs his bass guitar before quickly heading out the door.

He was in a band. Home grown, still in its garage stage, but he loved it. He played bass guitar, mainly. He was very talented. His best friend Steve Rogers was on electric guitar and both of them did vocal. Clint Barton was their drummer and Sam Wilson was their main electronics man, but also sung the bass line on occasion.

"Hey, Barton." He nods his head at him. Sam pokes his head up from the computer when he hears Bucky and an impish grin comes across his face when he sees Bucky.

"Hey, Soldier Boy." He grins at him and Bucky smiles back. They all gave each other nicknames and Soldier Boy was one of his, some others being Vanilla Ice, Winter Boo Bear, and just Winter.

Bucky grins when he sees Steve plucking away on his guitar, spread out on the couch casually. The garage had an easy set up. In one dark corner was a broken refrigerator and against the two walls sat two dusty red couches. The middle of the garage was where they performed every weekend. It was generally dark save for multiple lamps they had set up around the garage. A table was in the back with their computers and electronics of all sorts, amps and whatnot.

"Cap," Bucky says with a nod as he drops down onto the couch beside him. Steve looks up and grins at him.

"Ready to kill it?" Steve asks and Bucky smirks and gives his head a small shake.

"Didn't we agree no more stupid sayings?"

"Nah, that was for you, no more stupid sayings," Steve elaborates and the brunette rolls his eyes. Clint clears his throat and they look over at him.

"Sorry to interrupt your weekly flirting, but are we actually going to play, or...?" Clint smirks a little at them. They did flirt with each other, so much, and it was so blaringly obvious to Sam and Clint but not to the two love birds.

"Pfftt, flirting," Bucky snorts, shaking his head. Steve gets up and stretches his arms out.

"Alright, guys, which one should we work on?" Steve asks and Sam shrugs.

"Incoming Storm?" He suggests and Bucky smiles. He loved playing that one. He had a pretty good solo part right near the end.

"Sounds good," Steve says with a nod as he wanders over and plugs his electric guitar into its amp and makes sure it's all tuned. Bucky gets his bass plugged in as well and blows a strand of hair out of his eye. Steve glances over at him then looks back down at his guitar. Clint makes eye contact with Sam and smirks, Sam rolls his eyes.

"Alright, Barton, count us in?" Bucky checks, sending him a glance. He nods and taps his drumsticks together to count them in. Steve takes a breath before beginning the song. It started out a slow tune, mellow, until Bucky picked up the beat and Sam chimed in with singing. They had been working on this certain piece for months now.

They sounded great. Bucky looks over at Steve with a grin wide on his face as the pair blast out a duet. When they had just come up with the song, singing a duet seemed stupid to them. But over time they grew to be best friends and it was just fun.

They sing the last note, Bucky singing the higher octave and Steve taking the one slightly lower. Bucky does a quick guitar riff then gives a self-satisfied nod.

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