After The Fall

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Steve freezes, his eyes fixed on the canyon where he'd just lost his best friend. Bucky Barnes had just fallen to his death, screaming, because Steve couldn't grab him. He had tried, he had reached, yet he had failed his best friend.

Steve bows his head against the wall of the train and squeezes his eyes shut then grits his teeth. He didn't want to cry, he hadn't cried in years, yet tears slipped down his face all the same.

"Hey Rogers? Where's Barnes?" Dugan asks hesitantly, noticing his red eyes. Steve doesn't answer, just gives his head a small shake and slings his shield onto his back. Dugan and Monty share a glance before falling in step behind him.


Bucky opens his eyes and sees doubles swirling above him, and he groans at the pain in his arm. It worsens and he glances down at it dully, his eyes drooping against his will. Dark red splattered the pure white snow around him and he swallows thickly. The pain in his arm worsens and he cries out then grits his teeth.


Everyone noticed over the next few weeks how Steve was a little more reserved, went off sometimes to be by himself. And he mourned. He mourned a lot, he missed Bucky dearly. Peggy was the only one who could talk some sense into him. She explained how it was his choice and how Steve had to respect Bucky's wishes to follow him until the end of the line.


They were going to move out to Italy to take out another HYDRA base when a very fateful day arrived.

Steve was finishing tying up his shoes, loading his hand guns, when there was a large commotion outside his tent. With a small sigh, he heads out, assuming it's just Hodge doing something stupid again. Then he freezes in his tracks.

There were two men and a woman staggering back to camp, clad in dark camouflage green. As they came closer their shapes became more defined. The man in the middle was clutching at his left shoulder and leaning against a man on his right. The woman was on his left but made sure not to bump him. Steve comes closer and helps several of the soldiers open the gate and that's when he recognizes one of them.

Bucky was right in front of him, ashen faced and bloody, but still there.

Steve just stares at him, words clogging his throat. Bucky tilts his head slightly at him.

"Nice catch, Punk," he murmurs and his voice was weak, scratchy, but he had forced a smile onto his face. Without a word Steve wraps him up in a hug, careful of his stumped arm. "Easy, big guy," Bucky breathes and Steve pulls back, a look of disbelief on his face.

"You fell. I saw, you -- you were gone," Steve chokes and Bucky manages a weak grin.

"How 'bout we talk about it later, huh, pal?" Bucky requests. Steve nods quickly and he along with three medics lead the three soldiers to the camp's medical area.


The woman and the other man were easy; Bucky, not so much. Steve waited outside the tent, pacing anxiously, kicking up dust as he goes. Dugan watches him quietly then walks up and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"He's gonna be fine, Cap. This is Barnes we're talkin' about," he reminds and Steve sighs a little, nodding distractedly.

"I know. I just can't help but worry seeing as it is my fault in the first place," Steve huffs and Dugan shakes his head firmly.

"It wasn't your fault, Steve," he says sternly. The blonde doesn't answer, just purses his lips a little and looks back towards the tent. Minutes later, a medic emerges and Steve steps over.

"Can I see him now?'

The doctor nods in response and Steve steps inside without another word. He was anxious and scared for Bucky.

The brunette raises his head a little and a small smirk spreads out on his dirt covered face. Steve sighs and sits on the edge of the bed beside him and leans forward on his knees.

"Hey, Captain," Bucky mumbles, shifting uncomfortably in his bed. They were coarse and thin, and just plain uncomfortable. But, he could manage. It was better than where he'd come from.

"What happened out there?" Steve asks worriedly, watching him. Bucky blows out a breath and looks towards the top of the tent.

"Well, uh, I kind of..," he glances down at his stump of an arm and swallows. "Kind of lost an arm, and I guess some soldiers found me and captured me," he says hastily, noting both the look on Steve's face and the wavering of his own voice. He clears his throat. "And uh, these... scientists, they... Um..."

Steve looks down at the ground, swallowing the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry, Buck."

The brunette pauses for a second, blinking hard. "S'okay, pal. I'm -- "

"Don't say fine. I know you aren't," Steve says quietly and Bucky sighs and looks at him again.

"Yeah, you're right, I guess. Now don't let that get to your head," Bucky says with a teasing smile, Steve smiles slightly but it drops away almost instantly after. "Look on the bright side, Stevie. I'm back, right?"

"Yeah," Steve agrees and looks up, giving him a small smile. Bucky grins back. "You just focus on getting better, okay?"

Bucky rolls his eyes and smiles a little. "Alright, Punk." Steve smiles shyly at him and Bucky smiles back. He gets up and quietly leaves, and Bucky watches him go.

Steve lets himself outside and Dugan smirks at him, his arms crossed over his broad chest. Steve raises his eyebrows at him. "What?"

"You two," he comments, Gabe walks by and slows to a stop beside them.

"He and Barnes?" He asks, grinning at Steve, who rolls his eyes.

"Oh, yeah." Dugan nods, elbowing Gabe in the ribs with a grin. Steve shakes his head.


The night runs smoothly until half the camp is woken by screaming. Loud, pained screaming of someone who'd seen terrible things.

"Shut him up, will you," Hodge hisses as Steve hastily exits his tent and hurries past to the medic's tent. Bucky was shaking and screaming in his sleep. Steve rushes over and stops his thrashing, and eventually the brunette comes to.

"Hey, you're okay," Steve says quietly, Bucky looks up at him and swallows. Steve smiles slightly at him and Bucky relaxes back against the cot, breathing hard.

Once he's calmed down Steve goes to leave until Bucky grabs his hand weakly. "Could you stay?" He mumbles. He looked so tired. Steve studies him for a moment before nodding. He took a seat beside him and Bucky clung to his hand.

They were silent for a while, both lost in their thoughts. "I'm sorry I didn't catch you," Steve says quietly, casting his eyes to Bucky's stump of an arm. The brunette watches him silently and eventually he nods.

"I forgive you," he murmurs and Steve nods a little, partially relieved. He knew he could never forgive himself for what he'd done.


They both fought bravely through the years, and they both made it to the future. They lived long lives, and together they stayed the closest friends.


This has been finished for a while, figured I'd get it up.

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