I'm So Sorry

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Bucky staggers back, his heart racing, pounding loudly in his ears. He stares down at his bloodstained hands, which tremble uncontrollably. His gaze shifts to the dead body in front of him and his stomach drops.

What had he done? He tries to swallow the lump in his throat, but to no avail.

He takes another step back before turning and running blindly. Soon his breathing is ragged, his eyes are blurred with tears and he can only see that mutilated body of an innocent woman burned into the back of his vision. What was he going to tell Steve? How would he ever forgive him?

He skids to a stop around the corner of a building, panting, his mind whirling. What if people were coming after him? Armed forces? HYDRA? The Avengers? Probably some of each. The thought of that sends him running again.

He didn't know where he was going or what was happening, and he ended up in some park. The wind howls and leaves brush against him as a storm rages around him. The sky starts spitting rain, cool against his burning skin, but he doesn't take time to feel grateful. He was in full out panic mode.

He slumps down onto a cold, wet bench and stares blankly at the ground. Hours pass and he doesn't make a move, but before he knows it someone sits beside him, wrapping an arm around him and trying to talk to him.

"Bucky," Steve says loudly for the fifth time with no result. He gives the brunettes' shoulders a shake and Bucky flinches, grabbing his arm instantly and twisting it around against Steve's back in one movement.

Bucky holds him there for a second before hurriedly letting go, turning pale as he does so. Steve rolls his arm back and hides a wince.

"Oh, God," Bucky panics, running his fingers through his hair rapidly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he says hurriedly, scooching away from him.

"Buck, what the h*** is going on?" Steve asks in a worried tone. He would have to admit, Bucky was scaring him. He didn't like seeing him so upset, so terribly unsettled. Bucky swallows, looking down at the ground, his eyes wide. He doesn't answer and Steve watches him worriedly.

Then, almost out of nowhere, the Winter Soldier lifts his head with a glare towards the blonde, making Steve pull back a little. Not again.

"Buck?" Steve says worriedly as the Winter Soldier shakily gets to his feet and faces him.

"Steve!" Bucky screams in his mind, watching his terrified boyfriend. He was a passenger in his own body, and it was horrifying. "No, no, please! Please get out of here!"

The Winter Soldier throws a punch and Steve blocks it, getting up as well and shifting into a fighting stance. Bucky tries to move, to scream, to do anything but watch. Was this what had happened earlier? Was it the Winter Soldier who killed the innocent woman? He didn't know to be terrified or strangely relieved.

Probably terrified. The Winter Soldier grabs a knife from his boot and Bucky tries to break free. "Just go, get out of here!" He tries to scream, watching his metal arm swing out to hit Steve in the gut. Once his fist makes his mark and distracts Steve enough, the knife clutched in his other hand moves towards him.

And everything seems to go in slow motion. Bucky tries to move, Steve didn't see it coming, the Winter Soldier moves the knife towards Steve's chest --

"No, please! Stop it, stop it!" Bucky screams to no avail and the blade drives into Steve's chest. Bucky can only watch in horror as Steve stares back at him, his blue eyes wide and his mouth agape. Then Steve staggers backwards and Bucky lets out a sob that doesn't go past the Winter Soldier's lips. He tries once more to break free and with a pained cry, he finally manages to do so.

His head thuds painfully and he feels like he's about to pass out, his vision tinting black. He falls to his knees beside Steve as he tries to breathe evenly.

"S-Steve," he pants, trying to get to him, trying with all his might, what had he done? Steve gets a grip on the handle of the blade, wincing in pain. His shirt was already soaked in blood. Bucky kneels beside him as his vision fades to black and back again. "I'm so sorry, Steve, I'm so d*** sorry!" He cries and Steve doesn't answer, trying to suck air into his damaged lungs. He felt like he was drowning, but he felt sick at the same time, how was he drowning? Bucky starts sobbing as his vision goes black once more, trying to blindly feel for Steve's pulse. His head was killing him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Bucky sobs, grabbing his wrist and feeling for his weak pulse.

"Buck - " Steve gasps, trying to sit up, and the brunette only cries harder. He had done this. It was his fault, all of it.

"J-just hang on, Steve, for the love of God," he cries, feeling warm blood underneath his shaking hand. His sight doesn't come back right away and his heart skips a beat. There is no answer and Bucky gulps. "Steve?" Still nothing and Bucky feels his pulse drop to nothing. "No, no, Steve, you promised! We promised until the end of the line, please! This can't be it!" Still, Steve doesn't answer and Bucky sobs blindly, horrifying images flashing through his mind, making up for his lost eyesight.

And he stays there, part of him hoping for his eyesight to return, part of him praying it doesn't so he doesn't have to face his ugly truth.


"I'm sorry," Bucky whimpers, curled up in as much of a ball as he can get. He sits there in the prison cell -- he had killed the only person ever on his side, after all -- and he repeats that until the end of his days, staring at the empty walls around him with haunted eyes. The Winter Soldier was defeated.


.... With a name like that, you couldn't have been expecting anything good, right? *whispers* Please don't kill me.

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