Nazis and What Now? (Pt. 1)

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"This is gonna sound totally insane, but I chased a Nazi down twelve blocks and he ended up dead but I saved a boy. Also I'm big now because of an experiment by Stark that caused a growth spurt and I'm stronger than I thought I'd ever be, and that's the full truth."

He stares at his reflection and sighs. Bucky was never going to believe him; it sounded like the rantings of a crazy person.

Nazis in the 21st century? They should've gone extinct in the 40s. Now, incredibly at 24 years old, Steve was fighting literal Nazis and had superhuman speed, durability and strength, mentally and physically.

He had no idea how to tell his best friend.

Bucky was in Iraq currently, serving his third year of service. He was supposed to be back a week ago, but all Steve had heard about it was radio silence -- Bucky was off the grid.

Steve digs through his pocket for his phone, then calls Bucky for the sixth time. Again, voicemail -- Steve grunts in frustration and paces the carpeted living room floor. "C'mon, Buck, this is a call you're gonna want to take."

"Bucky Barnes, leave a message after the beep, please."

"Hey! It's me, I can't wait to see you," he says quickly as he walks. "Listen, I've got some news so you might wanna hurry home and -- "

There's a knock at the door. Steve yanks it open with more force than necessary, pulling the door off of its hinges.

Behind it stands Bucky Barnes, phone held to his ear with one hand and his other raised into a fist, after knocking on the door. He stares mutely at Steve, the door, the hinges, and Steve again.


"Buck," he breathes, staring at him a moment, relief that he seems to be all in one piece. Then he does a double-take and remembers he's gripping their front door. He drops it and steps back, cheeks quickly becoming heated. He rubs the back of his neck.
"Um... door's open."

Bucky stares at him and slowly steps inside, snapping broken off strips of wood.

The silence stretches further. Bucky's eyes rake over this new version of Steve, his mouth agape, speechless. Steve clears his throat.

"Welcome home," he announces. "You... might wanna sit for this."


"You let Stark do what?" Bucky looks mortified as he stares at him over the back of the chair, arms folded along the backrest. Steve weakly throws his hands into the air.

"Okay -- I told you I wanted to come over there. To help fight, right?" Before Bucky can interrupt him, he holds up a finger. "Just -- just wait. I -- Stark offered me a chance I couldn't pass up."

"But you're -- you're big? What the hell did he do to you?"

Steve blew out a breath. "He gave me this serum, then a Nazi stole what was left of it," he says and Bucky rubs his face, leaning back.

"A Nazi?"

"Yeah, he had a gun. I didn't get shot though, he took some cyanide before he could kill me."

"Oh my God, Steve -- "

"I chased him like twelve blocks," he mumbles and Bucky groans into his hands.

"You're going to give me an aneurysm."

"I'm fine though," he adds, finally standing still, folding his arms. Bucky stares at him incredulously and scoffs.

"How'd they make you so big?" Bucky slowly stands and walks over to him, still eyeing him suspiciously. "Wait, are you on stilts? Is that like a fat suit but it's muscles instead? Are you doing that dodgeball thing where we all put them in our shirts -- "

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