Pre-Winter Soldier Bucky, Pre-Serum Steve

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This one was requested by Kid4eva. Hope I added enough fluff. :) pre-serum Steve and Bucky, this is a day or two before Bucky's leaving for the war.


Bucky walks into the little apartment that he and his best friend Steve shared. He ruffles his floppy brown hair as he looks around for his small blonde.

"Hey, Steve! 'M home!" He calls up the stairs and after a moment he sees that familiar mop of light blonde hair poke out of their room they shared.

"Hi, Buck," Steve yawns, stepping out and shuffling down the stairs. The brunette ruffles his hair and Steve lazily swats his hand away, stifling a yawn.

"Ya' feeling better, punk?" Bucky asks, tilting his head a little at him. Steve nods in reply.

"Yep. Jerk," he replies and Bucky smiles.

"Good, 'cause I'm gonna' teach you how to dance."

Steve blinks at him.


"You heard me. I'm gonna' teach you how to dance," Bucky says simply, a teasing smile playing on his lips when he sees a small pout come onto Steve's.

"You know I don't dance."

"Yet, because you don't know how to dance," Bucky corrects the blonde, poking a finger at his chest. Steve rolls his eyes a little. "So I'm gonna' teach you. C'mon, when I leave, you oughta' know how to dance. Take a girl for a spin, y'know?"

"I'm not a skirt chaser," Steve sighs, looking up at the brunette. Bucky shrugs a shoulder.

"Please?" He asks, pouting those lips of his and giving the blonde his best puppy dog eyes. Steve frowns a little then sighs and nods.

"Okay, fine," he reluctantly agrees with another sigh. He walks over to the brunette and Bucky grins. Steve looks up at him. "So."

"So," Bucky repeats. "Girl or guy?" Steve snorts and shakes his head.

"Buck, this is stupid," Steve sighs.

"C'mon, Stevie," Bucky whines. "I'll lead this time, okay? You can be the dame."

"Fine," Steve sighs again and Bucky ruffles his hair again.

"Alright, so put your hands on my shoulders," Bucky instructs and the blonde blushes a little.

"Buck... I can't reach."

Bucky lifts him up onto his feet so the blonde could reach a little easier. Steve smiles awkwardly and Bucky smiles back.

"Okay, the guy, that'll be you, will put his hands here," Bucky explains, putting his hands on the smaller blonde's hips, making him blush.

"Okay," Steve nods a little, trying not to blush from being so close. His head was basically on the brunettes' chest.

"Now we start," Bucky explains, he kept his voice soft as they started to sway. Bucky took the steps, one two three, and Steve stood on his feet. "Doin' real good, Steve," Bucky gives him a small smile, which the blonde returns when he looks up at him. "D'you want to lead now?"

Steve shakes his head a little. "Uh, I still don't know the proper way to, uh, lead," he says quickly and Bucky smiles. He knew the moves but found himself not wanting to stop their dancing.

"Fair enough. You're still a little tense, Stevie," he muses and the blonde shrugs a little.

"Really, I had no idea. It's not like this is awkward at all," Steve says sarcastically.

"How so? Just two guys bein' pals," Bucky says innocently as he takes a quick spin, causing the blonde to hug him a little closer. Steve pouts and Bucky gives him his signature smirk.

"Jerk," Steve sighs, not bothering pulling back.

"Punk," Bucky retorts and the blonde smiles a little and hides his blush in Bucky's rumpled shirt. The steps were slow and simple, and Steve knew he'd remember how to dance. This wasn't exactly a moment he was going to forget.

"Okay, ready?" Bucky asks suddenly and the blonde knits his eyebrows together.

"What're you doing?" He asks with a frown when he sees a devilish smirk spread out on Bucky's face.

"You trust me?"


"Good," Bucky grins before spinning and dipping the blonde low, supporting his lower back. Steve's eyes widen as he feels himself tilting backwards and he grabs Bucky's arms that were supporting him. He looks at the brunette and scowls while Bucky grins and pulls him back up.

"You're horrible," Steve scolds and Bucky hums.

"Nah, I'm not."

Steve huffs and shakes his head. "Jerk." Bucky merely smiles as he continues to lead the blonde around their small living room. Steve forgot about his small moment of frustration and just focused on the brunette and trying to memorize the dance moves.

After a while Bucky slowed to a stop, his breathing slow and even, and it tickled Steve's cheek as he breathed out.

"So?" Bucky asks quietly, his voice was a low hum and Steve blushed more.

"So," Steve mimics him before clearing his throat a little and looking up at him.

"Pretty fine dancin', pal. You're gonna' do great with the ladies," Bucky praises as Steve steps off him.

"Thank you, Buck," the blonde says with a shy smile, which the brunette returns. He slings his arm around Steve's shoulders and pulls him close.

"Not a problem, Stevie." He smiles.

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