Number Twelve- In Bed

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"Where- where's Steve." Becky Barnes murmurs, her eyes slipping closed.

"Shh, shh, just relax, my dear." The hypnotic voice croons, pressing a needle into the inside of her arm, a painkiller that should work. Becky's head was pounding and her body ached, she wanted to sleep but wanted to see Steve first, her boyfriend. He still wasn't aware of what happened.

Long story short, Hydra was awful. She'd been on a mission to take them down, and she took a bad hit.

"Can I just call him?" She asks, opening her eyes. The nurse (whom the voice turned out to belong to) gives her head a small shake.

"Sorry, dear. I can inform him for you." She offers and Becky nods a little, leaning back in bed.


Steve bursts through the front doors and asks for Becky Barnes. The nurse points him down a hall into room 43 in the 19th wing. He steps through and visibly relaxes when he sees Becky.

"You're okay. Beck, you're okay." He breathes, collapsing into the chair beside her. She moves her hand over and takes his, he lifts his head and smiles a little at her.

"Little nervous, Rogers? I've had worse." She mumbles jokingly, he smiles a little and rubs his thumb over her knuckles.

"I know, I know, I worry too much, but... I don't- I can't lose you. Not again." He says softly and she looks at him. She knew exactly what he was talking about. Back in their past they were inseparable; except, of course, for that time she fell off a train, screaming to her apparent death. She also knew he never forgave himself for that.

"I'm not goin' anywhere, stupid. You're stuck with me." She smiles and he seems to relax a little.

"Promise?" Steve checks. He really couldn't bear the thought of losing her again. Once was already enough to crush him.

"'Til the end of the line, pal." She finishes with a wink and he genuinely smiles, a small, crooked smile that Becky loved to see. She yawns a little and rests her head back against the pillow, closing her eyes against the pain. Steve runs a hand through her long brown hair, ruffling it up, and she smiles softly. She loved it when he did that.

After a while she falls asleep, her breathing slow and even. Steve sighs, looking at her.

"I love you, Becky Barnes." He whispers.


Becky was bed bound for a couple weeks and hated every. Single. Second. She hated hospitals the most, because she had trust issues and just hated the smells and the sounds, especially after Hydra. She was only able to do it for so long because Steve was there the whole time. She was so thankful to have him; half the time it was him who kept her sane in the tough times. She knew that she loved him, truly loved him.

And she was pleasantly surprised when he proposed to her. The couple were married a month later when she was freed from the hospital and they were happy.

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