Energetic-Skinny Bucky, Post-Serum Steve

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"Steve, can we go somewhere? Can we do something?" Bucky whines, flopping over the couch. His brown hair was flopped over his face and his arms spread out. He was thin and lean, but muscular.

The larger blonde crosses his muscular arms over his equally muscular chest, watching the brunette and smiling slightly.

"Yeah, sure. Where d'you wanna go?" He hums, Bucky sits up and bounces on the couch. He shrugs and continues to bounce. His blue-grey eyes light up suddenly.

"How 'bout we go to the park?" He chirps, tilting his head like an excitable puppy. Steve smiles and gets up, he stretches his arms above his head. Bucky glances over at him and sees the blonde's muscles ripple, he blushes and glances away.

Bucky springs up and bounds towards him, a grin on his face and his brown hair bouncing almost as much as he.

He loops his arm in Steve's and the blonde smiles, they wander off towards Central Park. Once they arrive Bucky starts running around in circles, and Steve watches him, grinning.

"C'mon, Stevie, I wanna race." Bucky pouts, looking at him with his big eyes. Steve raises an eyebrow.

"You sure?" He asks, Bucky nods with determination.

"Alright then." Steve muses, lining up. Bucky grins and stands beside him, getting into a running stance.

"Okay... ready, set go!" Bucky shouts, shooting forwards a second before Steve. The blonde smiles and races forwards, he passes by the brunette, grinning.

"No fair!" Bucky whines behind him, picking up his pace. Steve turns back and smirks at him before rounding the corner. Bucky huffs and blows his hair out of his face.

"On your left!" Steve chimes as he passes by Bucky on the left side. Bucky huffs and quickens his pace as Steve rounds the corner again.

After three more rounds of this Bucky gives in.

"Okay, Steve... I... give up." Bucky pants, leaning over, his hands on his knees. Steve puts his hands on his hips, breathing slightly hard but not really, his chest rising and falling at a steady pace.

"You wanted to race me." He shrugs, Bucky glares at him, panting.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, it was still super fun." Bucky brightens, his eyes brightening and a smile resting on his face. Steve brushes his floppy blonde hair out of his eyes and smiles.

"Ready to go home?" Steve asks and Bucky nods, leaning against him. Steve loops an arm around him shoulders and the pair wander off.

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