Number Twenty-Six: Candy Cane

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"Steve," Bucky whines, sprawled out on the floor. The blonde doesn't answer and Bucky groans.

"Steve!" He whines loudly, flopping his cool metal arm over his eyes. He hears footsteps thundering down the stairs.

"What, Buck?" Steve sighs, kneeling beside him. Bucky huffs and rolls over, he rests his head on the blonde's lap and looks up at him, upside-down.

"We have any candy?" He asks and Steve raises an eyebrow.


"'Cause I want candy, Steve, duh. Specifically candy canes."

Steve looks down at him and the brunette looks up at him innocently. The blonde sighs and nudges him off.

"Fine. I'll go to the store, just don't... do anything stupid 'til I get back," he says, standing up.

"That's my line, punk," Bucky snorts and Steve smiles.

"Jerk. Be back in a bit," he says before grabbing his phone, his keys and his wallet then walking out. Bucky remains on the floor.


Steve wanders towards his bike and smiles a little; he really really loved his bike. He puts his keys in it and starts it up, it roars to life and the blonde hops on. He zooms off down the street towards the grocery store.

He walks in and looks around a little, up and down the aisles. He sees people, lots of people, but one catches his eye and he frowns a little, the guy looked pretty familiar. Steve shrugs it off.

He walks up and down the aisles, looking for some candy canes. But since it wasn't anywhere near Christmas, candy canes proved hard to find.


Steve tosses a wad of bills on the counter, clutching the candy canes to his chest as he runs. Somehow, Hydra had been there in the store. And were now after him.

"Buck? Bucky, you'd better pick up," Steve hisses as he races down the street, Hydra agents chasing after him. He holds the phone to his ear as he goes. He groans as it goes to voicemail.

He races through the streets and hears the faint click of a gun, he ducks behind a car just before bullets start raining down upon him.

He starts running again but his eyes widen when he sees a man running full tilt towards him. He skids to a stop and darts around the corner, a bullet hits the building's edge by his head and he flinches.

"Aww, my bike!" Steve whines, just realizing he hadn't gotten on it and had gone on foot instead.

"Stupid." He scowls, ducking another bullet.


He didn't even know how it happened, but one minute it looked like he was home free, the next he was fighting off several Hydra agents. Not fun.

He does his best and gets free. He starts running again, leaving the groaning pile of men where they lay.


Steve arrives back home covered in dirt and tired. He pushes the door open and Bucky looks up from his spot on the floor, where he hadn't moved. Bucky sits up and raises an eyebrow as he sees the blonde, who tosses the box of candy canes at him.

"Why-" Bucky begins but Steve shakes his head, wiping the dirt off his shirt.

"Don't ask," Steve huffs, heading upstairs to shower. Bucky shakes his head and opens the box, and all but one were intact.

"You broke one!" He calls up the stairs, pulling one out to eat.

"Don't care!" Steve calls back and Bucky smirks a little, shaking his head slightly.

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