Civil War

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"Tony, you don't have to do this." Steve says, standing warily across from Tony. They had been fighting for weeks now, and Steve never wanted it to go this far. But he was doing what he had to do.

See, Tony wanted all the superheroes under the government's control, a part of them and not vigilantes anymore. He wanted them to join the registration. Steve, on the other hand, argued that that's how it's always been and there's been no problems until now. He was standing up for the freedom and justice of people, that they should live their lives.

"Yes I do." Tony states plainly, his voice warped and changed by the metal iron man mask covering it. Steve clenches his jaw and sorely, bitterly wishes that Bucky was there, having his back. Tony raises his hand and his repulsor ray starts glowing bright blue, he aims at Steve.

"However, you don't have to do this, cap. Just give in already, I don't wanna hurt you." He continues, still aiming at the captain.

"I can't just give up." Steve replies firmly, but he darts to the side as Tony fires at him. He grabs his shield from his back and swings it onto his arm, ducking behind it as Tony fires again. Tony comes closer, comes soaring towards him but Steve runs, leaps off the wall and swings his shield, it clangs against Tony's back and the brunette stumbles just a little as one of the flying jets, is kind of what they are, is shot out.

Steve pounces on Tony's back and the extra weight sends him crashing to the ground. He rolls over and smacks the blonde in the face, Steve grunts and hits the floor. Tony keeps pounding on him before stopping when the blonde spits out a wad of blood.

"Steve, please stop." Tony begs, getting up. The blonde cracks his good eye open and swallows, he gags on blood but stubbornly shakes his head. Tony huffs, and then, he leaves. He didn't want to hurt his friend anymore, he didn't want this. Steve rises to his feet and heads to his hideout, since the police, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the government were all searching for him.


A week later, Steve turned himself in and was being taken to court. People lined up on the streets, booing him and shouting horrible things. A tomato smacks him in the face but he keeps going.

"Since when does Captain America gives up?!"

"How am I supposed to tell my kid that his hero is a fraud?"

"I'm glad Iron Man beat your face in so I don't have to!!"

Steve ignores them but each word hurt. Over and over, the people that used to be on his side were being so rude and abusing him verbally. S.H.I.E.L.D. had eyes all over this, making sure nothing went wrong. Tony watched with them, a mask of pain on his face.

Steve looks around and spots a red glare against a window. He frowns a little and turns his head up to look at the windows, he spots one slightly ajar and a red dot. He curses inwardly because he knows what it is. He looks ahead to see the red dot on the back of the guard in front of him. Without thinking Steve shoves him with his shoulder and takes the shot himself, the shot echoes around and people start screaming, running around.

Bucky darts into the scene just as he hears the gun go off. He pales and tries shoving through the crowd to get to Steve.

"Steve!" He roars, shoving through people, pushing them out of his way. The blonde had fallen, still with his wrists in cuffs, his the right side of his chest bleeding. Bucky saw Sharon Carter approaching the injured blonde and he swore out loud. He didn't trust her.

Steve looks up to see Sharon leaning over him. He sees the gun being drawn from her pants. Bucky was sprinting towards him now, almost there, he was almost there.

Sharon shoots Steve three times in the stomach, Steve cries out and Bucky races over. His stomach drops when he sees Steve. Bucky shoves Sharon and she falls over but regains her feet and runs off. Bucky sits down beside him and Steve was struggling to rise.

"Steve! You're gonna be fine, okay, you're gonna be fine, just stay awake." Bucky demands, his voice heightened and anxious. Steve swallows and coughs, his consciousness was swimming in and out. He could vaguely see Bucky there but thought it was just a hallucination.

"Buck..." Steve murmurs, his chest struggling to rise and fall. Bucky brings the blonde's head into his lap and Steve doesn't move.

"I'm so sorry, Stevie, I'm sorry I wasn't there." Bucky whispers, his fingers running through his blonde hair. The blonde shakes his head but winces, gasping a little.

"Don't. Not your fault, okay? It's... not." Steve manages, bleeding out and going pale. Bucky holds him close, tears threatening to fall. One slips down his face onto Steve's.

"Bucky." Steve murmurs, his breathing slower now. The brunette looks into his face, tears sliding down his face.

"Buck, I... I love..." Steve breathes before his eyes fall shut, barely breathing now.

"No, no, Steve, stay awake for me, I can't lose you, pal. Please." Bucky begs, tears still falling. Steve forces his eyes open and look up at him.

"Love you." Steve finishes, Bucky leans down and presses his lips to Steve's. The blonde kisses back gently and Bucky feels the last of Steve's air leave his lungs, Bucky pulls away.

"No." Bucky whispers, feeling as if all the air led his lungs instead of Steve's.

"You can't leave me. I love you too." Bucky whimpers, he leans forward and rests his forehead on Steve's. The blonde's eyes were closed and he was pale but looked at peace. Bucky sobs loudly and clings to him, hating himself for being too late. He loved Steve.

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