It's Complicated

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Stephanie leans over her knees and sighs down at the ground, tangling her fingers through her knotted hair.

She would do anything for Becky Barnes. The problem was showing it. A smile and a hug often didn't cut it, and the blonde knew that.

She wanted to be able to communicate her feelings properly. She had a huge crush on her best friend.

Her family was tearing her apart. Christian through and through, they saw it as a sin, something evil. Girls couldn't ever be with girls. "It's just a phase," they would tell her. "You only think this because she likes you."

No. The way she laughed, her smile, Stephanie loved. The mishaps they'd had, the good times, the bad. Stephanie wouldn't trade that for the world.

Most of her finest memories were those with Becky. Going to Starbucks, exploring haunted houses, trying a simple task like getting ice cream, trying to cook. Stephanie treasured those memories.

She leans back on her hands and stares up at the ceiling with a sigh. One of her greatest fears was that maybe everyone was right. Maybe it was a fake crush. It was something she never wanted to admit.

But every time she thought of Becky, it was never a sad thought. Just because she had dated a boy once didn't mean she'd want that every time.

It was just complicated. Stephanie wanted it to work out. She hoped it would. She hoped she'd be able to still have her best friend if it didn't.

Because Becky often kept her going throughout her days. A picture, sometimes just an emoji.

Stephanie was terrible at trying to get her thoughts on paper. She had tried, all right. Tried to sort out her feelings, tried to think of what to do. For herself, for Becky, for her family.

It was hard sometimes. But she knew somehow they'd make it through.

She wanted to be able to tell Becky just how much she really meant for her. She wanted to say, "you've helped me get through tough times. Even if it's just through you listening to my rants." She wanted to say, "thank you for being the only friend I can openly talk to. I don't often show it but it means the world to me." These words she wanted to say, she just didn't know any way how.

She hoped Becky knew this all. If she didn't, she hoped she could remind her just how much she was loved.


So yeah. I'm in a cheesy mood I guess. Grateful mood. It is thanksgiving after all, for some people. <3 This is pretty much for the Becky in my life, because I don't say stuff like this often enough.

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