Number Twenty-Four: Crazy Romantic Idiot

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Steve shuffles outside the door awkwardly, fiddling with his hands. He turns away from the door and lets out a breath, he turns back and raises his hand to knock on the door but pauses and lets his hand fall with a huff, he paces anxiously outside the door. This was his first date ever and he was so nervous. He wanted everything to be amazing for his date, Bucky Barnes.

"C'mon, Steve, you've got this," he whispers to himself before taking a breath and knocking on the door, which swings open almost instantly.

"Hi," Bucky hums, leaning against the door frame, and Steve blushes.

"Hi, Bucky. You, uh, you were probably waiting in there, weren't you?" He sighs and smiles apologetically. Bucky shrugs.

"I wasn't waiting long," he answers, watching the blonde quietly.

"Oh. I, uh, I brought you these," Steve says, picking up a bouquet of white and red roses and Bucky blushes a little and smiles.

"These are beautiful, Steve, thank you," he croons, looking at them. Steve smiles.

"Ready to go?" He asks. They'd agreed on a fancy dinner and a dance. Bucky smiles and nods, stepping out into the hall, and Steve was awed by how incredible the brunette looked. Bucky wore a traditional black suit with a white undershirt and black tie, his usually messy mop of brown hair was gelled down and brushed to the side. Bucky tilts his head a little at the blonde, looking him up and down. Steve was wearing a completely white suit but with a black tie. They both looked handsome.

"Wow," Bucky hums, taking a step closer to the blonde. "You look great, Steve, but it's missing... this." He muses, tucking a red rose into Steve's lapel. The blonde was blushing like crazy now.

"You look..." he trails off, trying to find a word that fits. Bucky watches him, a small smile on his face. "Amazing." Steve concludes. Bucky grins and links his arm with Steve's and the pair head off.


They arrive at the fancy restaurant and Bucky lets out a low whistle, gazing around.

"Snazzy, Steve," he says and the blonde smiles, looking at him.

"I, uh, wanted to find somewhere special tonight," he explains and Bucky smiles.

"It's perfect," Bucky assures and Steve smiles and rubs the back of his neck. They're lead to their table and Steve pulls Bucky's chair out for him. Bucky rolls his eyes, smiling at what a romantic blonde he'd caught the eye of. It was sweet.


They order their food and a silence settles over their table. Steve shifts awkwardly and glances at Bucky, who smiles teasingly at him and raises an eyebrow.

"What?" Bucky asks and Steve looks down at his lap for a moment, blushing. He didn't know how to date, wasn't a good conversationalist.

"I've never been on a date before," Steve sighs and Bucky smiles. The blonde looks up and smiles a little.

"Relax. This is great so far," Bucky assures and Steve nods. The brunette starts up a conversation and Steve was grateful for that; the silence had been getting a bit too much.


Their food arrives and it was just amazing. They joked and talked over dinner and enjoyed themselves.


Steve pays the bill for the food and Bucky thanks him. The dance floor was still open and light, airy music flowed from the speakers. Steve twiddles his fingers anxiously, trying to work up the courage to ask him to dance.

"Would you like to dance?" He asks Bucky, he must've sounded a little nervous because Bucky smiles softly, almost as if he pitied how clueless the blonde was to this whole dating thing. He didn't mind, though, he found it adorable. They'd already had two mishaps; Steve tripped over a chair leg and made a mess during dinner, and he hadn't known about how much he was supposed to tip. Bucky helped him out, though.

"I'd love to dance," he replies and Steve smiles. He gets up and offers him a hand, Bucky takes it and the blonde leads him to the dance floor. They start dancing but apparently Steve wasn't a good dance leader.

"Look, why don't I lead, okay?" Bucky chuckles and Steve smiles slightly, embarrassed. He nods and Bucky takes the lead, he quietly informs the blonde the right way to dance. Steve seemed to get it after a while and Bucky let him take over the lead. They were both having such a great time.


"Thank you for tonight, Steve, I had fun," Bucky smiles and the blonde smiles back.

"That's good. Uh, sorry again about the shirt," Steve mumbles and Bucky waves him off, shaking his head. They had finished the dance but Steve had tripped over a woman's dress hemming and had spilled a glass of wine on Bucky's shirt. The blonde had apologized profusely but the brunette was laughing so hard he barely noticed.

"Again, it's fine," Bucky insists. Steve nods a little and Bucky smiles, he wraps his arms around him. Steve stays shocked for a moment before hugging back. Bucky presses a light kiss to Steve's cheek before pulling back.

"See you," he hums before walking into his place. Steve smiles happily, feeling lighter than air. He heads home.

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