The Worst Kind of Torture

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Guess what time it is? It's time for another sad one. Sorry. Requests are still greatly appreciated so... *shrug*


Bucky pulls the fridge doors open and takes a peek inside, then frowns.

"Steve," he calls over his shoulder and the blonde walks over.


"You have no food," Bucky pouts a little, looking back at him.

"So translation, I have no food you'd like. So no sweets, nothing premade and microwavable, so no," he interprets.

"S'like you could read my mind," Bucky hums, closing the fridge and pulling the freezer open.

"I don't have any ice cream either," Steve comments from his spot on the couch, where he'd wandered to while Bucky searched around.

"Since when?" Bucky whines, closing the freezer with a pout. He shuffles over to the blonde and sprawls out on his lap. "Steve," he whines, pouting up at him.

"I have food, Buck. Just go make something."

"But I don't wanna," he whines, sitting up a little and pressing his face into Steve's side. The blonde wraps an arm around him and kisses the top of his head.

"Fine, fine, how 'bout we go out, then? My treat?" Steve asks and Bucky looks up at him, a smile resting on his face.

"Sounds good, Captain," he hums, sitting up properly. Steve smiles softly at him and Bucky smiles back.

"Right, then, Sergeant. You should probably go get some clothes on," he muses. Bucky was still in only his pajama bottoms from earlier that morning. "And put a shirt on," Steve adds with a teasing smile. Bucky merely smirks.

"Oh, sorry 'bout that. Find anything distracting, Stevie?" He purrs, wetting his lips briefly. Steve's gaze flickers to his lips quickly before meeting his eyes again, he was trying to hide his blush.

"You're a fudging flirt," he huffs and Bucky arches an eyebrow.

"Was that a swore I sensed, Rogers?"

"Nope. Fudge is not a swear word," Steve says, crossing his arms and pointing his chin up. Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Sure it isn't. You used it in place of one, though. Money to the 'Shut Up Stark' Jar," he says smugly, putting his hand out and gesturing for some money. Steve pouts as he pulls out five dollars and slaps it into Bucky's hand.

"Hate you," he sulks and Bucky tuts as he puts the money in the jar. If Tony got enough money he agreed not to say anything for a week. Everyone was saving up for that one moment.

"No, you don't."

"No," Steve agrees. "'Cause you're too cute."

"Hmm, just cute?" Bucky croons, leaning in close to him. Steve looked at him and Bucky smirks coyly at him before wetting his lips again. He knew Steve hated that.


"Captain," he purrs. Steve shakes his head as he pulls the brunette in for a kiss, his fingers curling in his long brown hair. Bucky hums and kisses back sweetly, his hands on Steve's sides. He pulled away slightly then rested his forehead against Steve's and closed his eyes.

"Still a flirt. Like the good old days," Steve murmurs and Bucky smirks a little before pressing a light kiss to his lips.

"That's me, doll," he hums with a wink before sauntering off to get dressed. Steve smiles to himself and shakes his head again. He gets up and grabs his keys then his wallet, slides these both into his pockets, then pulls on his brown leather jacket.

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