Number Three- Point of no Return

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A/N: Not all these will be happy. Just so you know now.

Bucky runs through the door, slamming it hard behind him. He races up the stairs onto the roof and swallows, his heart pounding loudly in his chest, thudding loudly in his ears. He turns and closes the trap door above the stairs, blocking the way. He looks around, hair whipping side to side with the force as he looks around frantically for anything to barricade the trap door shut. Seeing nothing else, he hurriedly removes his left arm and shoves it under the handle of the trap door, blocking it.

"You have no where to hide, Winter!" A German sounding voice calls and the brunette flinches as he hears pounding on the wooden door. He looks around for somewhere, anywhere to hide. Seeing nothing and feeling only a sinking feeling in his stomach, he swallows thickly and with his trembling hand pulls out his phone.

"Steve?" He says softly into the device.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's up? Nothing's wrong, is it?" Steve replies, a hint of worry in his voice. Bucky can't help but let out a shaky laugh and a small smile. It felt so good to hear his smooth voice.

"I, uh, just wan- needed to talk. I needed to talk." Bucky clarifies, flinching again as the door shudders once more. He shivers in the cool wind and wishes he'd kept his arm or wrapped himself up a little more. Not that it would matter now to him anyway.

"Sure. What's up?" Steve repeats, still some concern laced in his voice. Bucky always loved that, how his boyfriend cared so much about him.

"Uh- I, uhm, I might not be home when you get back, Stevie." He whispers, his voice cracks at the end. German shouting was getting louder and clearer with each thud to the trap door.

"What's happening? Buck, what's that sound, is that shouting?" Steve asks quickly. Bucky's eyes flicker to the trap door and he swallows again, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he does so.

"Steve, I... you know I love you so much, right?" Bucky whispers.

"Bucky, tell me what the h*** is going on, why do you sound so upset!" Steve raises his voice a little and Bucky closes his eyes, a tear slides down his cheek and he licks his lips.

"Open up, Winter! You have no where to go!" They shout, banging forcefully on the door. Bucky hears the wood creak and he shuffles anxiously.

"I love you Steven Grant Rogers. And I was wondering... wondering if you'd like to be Steven Grant Rogers-Barnes? Steve, will you marry me?" Bucky whimpers, a hard feeling in his gut as the wood cracks, splinters. Tears were sliding down his face now at a rapid speed. There's a pause on the line then a shaky breath, Bucky could practically see Steve's reaction.

"Buck..." Steve chokes, sounding as if tears of his own were falling. Bucky closes his eyes as he hears his metal arm creak and give a final snap.

"Yes, you jerk, yes. You're such an idiot, I love you too." Steve sobs, crying. Bucky laughs a little, sadly, his heart breaking as the trap door swings open.

"Punk." Bucky whispers as he hears footsteps rapidly approaching him.

"I love you so much." He adds, wiping at his eyes and trying to compose himself. He knew what was going to happen. Hydra was back and was going to drag him back down to be the Winter Soldier. The point of no return in his honest opinion.

"I love you too, James Buchanan Rogers-Barnes." Steve repeats in a soft whisper, he hears the click of the phone and the dull hum as the phone call ends.

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