Danger Zone

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"Hey, Bucky, you ready?" Steve asks his husband. The brunette raises an eyebrow, glancing over at him as he loads his gun.

"When am I ever not ready, babe?" He says and Steve rolls his eyes, smirking a little. He puts in his earpiece and shines his shield up before attaching it to the clasp on his back, holding it in place. Bucky swings open the door to the warehouse they were hiding in and instantly hears gunfire and shouting in German.

The pair were trying to take down Hydra. Bucky wanted to do it himself, but of course Steve wouldn't leave him to do it all himself. So they became an unstoppable team; they were amusing to watch and worked perfectly together, playing off of the other's strengths and weaknesses.

Bucky takes a deep breath before racing out the door, guns blazing as he shoots down Hydra members. Steve comes next, he whips his shield out forcefully and knocks several to the ground. It boomerangs back to him and Bucky snorts. He never understood the science behind that.

"Bucky!" Steve shouts over gunfire, tossing the brunette the shield. He catches it and ducks behind it as Hydra returns heavy gunfire upon the pair of them. Bucky fires again several times at the agents, all of them falling to the ground with each bullet. Steve watches him for a moment before getting back into the swing of things. Bucky wraps an arm around someone's neck and jerks it to the side, the agent slumps soundlessly to the ground and Steve looks away. He didn't like killing, preferred simply knocking them out. But if he had to... he had to. He catches the shield when Bucky tosses it back to him.

"Hey Steve, watch your a**, will you, I'm too busy to do so myself!" Bucky shouts, ducking what would've been a blow to the face. Steve rolls his eyes, slamming his shield into an agent's face.

"Yes, dear." He replies, twisting around and kicking away the guy that would've been putting a bullet through his head. Bucky loads another gun full of ammo and bashes someone across the back of the head with it before whirling around and shooting another agent between the eyes.


After two hours of non-stop fighting, several curses and a couple injuries, there were no more people running at them.

"Okay, Buck, we gotta move." Steve pants, holding his side. Bucky nods, he comes up and puts his hand on Steve's shoulder and squeezes it.

"Doin' great, Stevie." He praises, leaning up and pressing a light kiss on his cheek. Steve smiles a little.


They were trying to get out of Germany now, they were trapped in a huge army camp basically and needed a way out.

Bucky sneaks around the corner, his gun had a silencer on just in case, to make sure there aren't any guards or anything. He looks back at Steve and motions him forwards, since the coast was clear. He sneaks into the back of the truck and Steve gets in front, he hotwires it (Bucky had taught him how) and starts it. Bucky grabs a rather large gun and checks it for ammo.

"Anything?" Steve asks, eyes on the road ahead of them.

"Not yet." Bucky replies, leaning forwards, hunched over his knees and clutching the gun tightly. He keeps his eyes behind them and narrows his eyes when he sees a small form coming.

"We got something. Get ready, baby." Bucky warns, readying the gun already. He sets up the stand and peers through the eye piece, lining up the shot. The large black car drives up quickly and Bucky opens fire, Steve presses down on the gas and grips the wheel tightly.

They come to a little village and Bucky looks forwards for a brief moment, he curses and looks back.

"Hey, Steve? You see that village, right?" He shouts, raining gunfire upon the car, which was firing right back at them. Steve's eyes flick back to see the car gaining.

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