Rain Puddle

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This really cute idea was suggested to me by TsDoodles!


"Remind me again why we're doing this?"

Steve attempts to use Bucky as a barricade against the rain, but the shorter brunet proves useless as a rain shield.

"We're gonna frolic like we did in our youth. Christ, Steve," Bucky snorts. Seeing that smile wide on his face, Steve doesn't have the heart to turn him down.

So down the street they go, in the pouring evening of Manhattan.

Steve holds Bucky's freezing metal hand within his own, regretting not wearing gloves. He sighs involuntarily and Bucky turns to him, raising his eyebrows.

"You're getting soaked, sweetheart."

Steve makes a face at his words and shrugs. "Forgot a jacket."

"And who told you to grab one?"

"You did, dear," he drawls, but he grins nonetheless. Bucky squeezes his hand and shrugs off his own jacket, stopping them in place. "No, Buck," he protests, and Bucky shakes his head, fixing it over Steve's shoulders.

He gives Steve a pointed look and moves his hands to cup his cheeks. "C'mon, you're cold." His gaze softens a little as he studies him, and he kisses him. Steve is grateful for the warmth and pulls him closer.

Bucky smiles against his lips, tilts his head. "You're just holding me to get warmer."

"... maybe."

"Punk," Bucky laughs as he pulls away. Steve, now flushed, smiles after him as Bucky tugs him towards the park where the rain puddles were plentiful.

Bucky leaps into the first one he sees and sinks down to his ankles, soaking his socks. While Steve recoils at the thought Bucky kicks the water, and looks delighted.

It was moments like these when Steve realised how many little things Bucky hadn't been allowed to appreciate. Even something as simple as playing in the rain.

He admires him quietly for a second, and Bucky catches him staring. With a smile and a roll of his eyes, he pulls him closer.

"Come on," he breathes, flicking hair out of his eyes. Steve hesitates before leaping into the puddle, drenching both of their legs. "See? Fun!"

"Yeah -- " Steve wipes rain from his face. "Fun."

"You love it."

"No, but I do love you," he says, a resigned tone to his voice but a teasing glint in his eyes. Bucky plays along.

"Was that a sarcastic I love you?" He gasps dramatically. "Did that one time we.. held hands... mean anything to you?" He pretends to look offended, crossing his arms.

Steve concedes, unable to take his pouting face seriously. "Every moment with you means the world to me, Buck."

He stops, and drops his arms. "Oh. Well, you took it the cheesy route. That's lame."

Steve takes his hands in his. "I meant it," he croons, and Bucky rolls his eyes once more. He didn't know what was worse -- fake sappy Steve, or real. This was definitely fake.

As if to prove a point, Bucky huffs off and leaps into a puddle, and falls to the ground. There's an unfamiliar cracking sound and he does nothing for a moment, blinking.

Then the pain sets in, and he winces. "Uh -- Steve?"

"Mhmm?" He hears Steve walk closer, sees him crouch beside him, assuming he simply slipped in the mud.

"Remember that night in August when you fought Danny Richie when you saw him kick that dog? It was like a -- like that really hot summer?"

The memory clicks. "Sure."

"Well, remember what happened to you afterwards?"

"Sure. Wait -- you broke your ankle?" Steve stares at him in horror, eyes wide. "Aww, baby, I'm sorry -- "

"Yeah," he hisses through clenched teeth. "Can you -- "

Steve, suddenly no longer his teasing husband, adopts his softer voice, his blue eyes more pitying. Steve didn't need to look out for Bucky as often nowadays -- it still seemed like the old times in some aspects.

But if he could pay back the debt that he owed Bucky, he would do so gladly for the rest of his life.

Bucky curses through his teeth as he puts weight on his ankle. "Ow -- "

Steve murmurs apologies as he helps him adjust, then pauses as he gets an idea.

"Remember Isaac's seventh birthday party?" he prompts, and Bucky grins after a moment, gratefully.

To anyone else, it seemed as if they were speaking in code -- wouldn't it be easier to simply say broken ankle and piggyback ride?

The code had been adopted shortly after Bucky got back. It helped jog his memory, and he started using the code with Steve to remind him of the times they'd always had each other's back.

The code was important for many reasons, but the main one -- it was just theirs.

Bucky clumsily climbs his way up onto his back and Steve carries him carefully.

"Okay," Bucky puffs, cheeks red with blood rush and pain, "onward!"

"Sir, yes, sir."

Bucky doesn't seem to mind the rain that's soaked them through the bone. He rests his cheek on Steve's shoulder and closes his eyes, blocking out the pain, instead focusing on Steve, warm and sturdy beneath him, keeping him safe.

Steve adjusts his grip and they continue home, getting more than their fair share of looks -- neither really seeming to mind.


"Okay." Steve sinks to sit beside Bucky in front of the fireplace, tucking a blanket over Bucky's lap. He moves to lean against Steve, grimacing slightly, before resting his head on his thigh. "You feeling alright?"

He nods, closing his eyes. "I'm okay, baby."

Steve smiles down at him, smoothing his hair off of his forehead. He looks into the fire and is glad for the warmth of Bucky on his lap.

Bucky sits up abruptly. "Wait -- " he looks at him, then moves the blanket around his shoulders. "You need this more than I do."

"Bucky -- "

"I don't get as cold as you do," he dismisses as he resumes his spot, sighing softly. Steve smiles to himself.

"Thanks, sweetheart."

The crackling of the fire is a comfort; the brief moment of silence in the chaos of their lives a welcome difference. Steve absently plays with his husband's hair as his husband dozes.

"Hey," he mentions softly. "I really wasn't kidding before. Every moment with you is special. I'm lucky to have you, Bucky Barnes."

It's quiet long enough that Steve assumes Bucky has fallen asleep -- that's when he mumbles, "Ditto, baby."

Steve smiles sleepily, and kisses his forehead before Bucky truly falls asleep.


Just something a little softer :)

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