Number Twenty-Eight: Outside Town

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Steve Rogers hurriedly races around his house, grabbing articles of clothes, his sketchbooks and art supplies, and throwing these things into boxes. He was going to New York with his friend Sam and Sam's girlfriend, Callista. She was pretty nice, but could be a little sarcastic and sassy, and her puns took some getting used to. Sam loved her all the same.

"Steve, c'mon man, we gotta go!" Sam calls up from where he was waiting downstairs.

"Coming, coming!" Steve calls back, picking up his boxes and carrying them downstairs.

"Sorry, last minute packing," Steve apologizes and Sam smiles a little. Callista saunters into the room and Sam lights up.

"Hey," she says, coming up behind Sam and wrapping her arms around him.

"Hey, Callista," Steve chimes before picking up his boxes and walking out to Sam's car to pack them. Sam turns to look at Callista and smiles at her, she smiles back at him and he kisses her cheek.

"C'mon, Sam, let's go!" Steve calls from outside, putting the last box in the trunk. Sam takes Callista's hand and they walk out.

"Excited?" Sam says, looking at Steve, who nods.

"Yeah. I've never been, so..." he shrugs and Sam nods. They finish packing up the car and hop in, Sam and Callista up front and Steve in the back. They make it maybe half an hour before the radio starts fuzzing out. Sam frowns a little, twisting the knobs and trying to fix it. Callista smiles to herself.

"Hey guys," she says and Sam looks at her, although he knew what was coming. "Looks like we're in... treble now." She says and Sam gives her a look.

"Sorry, I should probably give it a rest. These jokes are falling flat. You gotta admit, though, I am pretty sharp," she continues and Sam shakes his head, trying not to smile.

"You have to make puns all the time?" Steve sighs and Callista looks at him and smirks a little.


"Well, here we are. We'll have a night out tomorrow or something, figure we should get settled in?" Sam asks and the others nod. They find a hotel room for now, they were there for a month or two because Sam had a business deal and Callista had been offered some money to sing and play her guitar at coffee houses. Steve was an artist and a writer and had decided to come along, and of course Sam agreed to let him.

They get themselves into the hotel and Callista flops onto the bed on her stomach and pulls out her phone and ear buds. She loved her music. The boys unpack some things while she listens to her music. Sam and her also shared a love for punk rock bands. Their favorite was a band called Twenty-One Pilots.

Steve sits outside on the balcony and sighs a little, looking out. He missed his home already, though it wasn't too far away. He was just a kid from Brooklyn, but here he was, in New York. Maybe he'd find somebody here. He hadn't had a date, much less a partner, since he was sixteen. He was twenty-five now and hoping to find somebody.


The next day rolls around and Sam, Steve and Callista head out. Sam and Callista go out for lunch while Steve goes out for a walk on his own.

He walks around town quietly, hands in his pockets. He was so focused on his thoughts that he was only partly paying attention to his surroundings. He goes to cross the road when suddenly someone grabs his arm and pulls him back before a van goes zooming by.

"Watch the road, fella," the guy says, letting go of his arm, and Steve turns to see who it is. A brunette was standing there, he was missing his left arm. his hair was down to his shoulders and was brown and scraggly. His eyes were bluish green, and he held himself with a certain air that Steve instantly admired.

"Sorry," Steve apologizes, looking at the man. He was so attractive...

"No problem. I'm Bucky, by the way," the brunette says, shaking Steve's hand, smiling.

"Steve Rogers," Steve introduces, he smiles back and the light turns green, they walk across.

"So what brings you to busy New York, Steve?" Bucky asks.

"My friends and I decided to move here, just for a couple months for work," Steve explains and Bucky nods.

"Cool. What's your job?" He asks curiously.

"Artist, writer," he replies and Bucky lets out a low whistle.



"Barista." He sighs with a shrug and the blonde nods. Bucky perks up a little.

"Hey, what're you doing tonight? Maybe you could swing by the ol' place? It's a small coffee shop, called The Grind," Bucky explains and the blonde nods a little, smiling.

"Sure, I'd like that," he says and Bucky smiles softly.

"Great. Guess I'll, uh, see you then?" He hums and Steve smiles, nodding.

"Okay," he says and Bucky smiles one more time before walking down the street.


"I met someone and he invited me to a coffee shop tonight," Steve says as soon as he comes into the apartment. Sam looks up from the couch where he and Callista were watching a movie, Callista resting her head on his lap.

"That's awesome. Who'd you meet?" Sam asks, observing the blonde. Callista watches quietly.

"His name is Bucky, he's really nice and technically he saved my life because traffic here is really busy but anyways he's just super nice so far, and he's cute," Steve rattles and Sam nods slowly, listening along.

"I'm happy for you, man," Sam smiles.


Nighttime rolls around and Steve walks to The Grind and comes inside. The smell of coffee beans and cream was strong, there were a few tables everywhere and the colours inside were mostly cream and red, giving off a relaxed vibe. Steve looks around and spots the brunette helping a young lady. His hair was in a loose ponytail but he still managed to look amazing. Bucky looks up and sees Steve, who gives a little wave. Bucky smiles and waves him over, so Steve goes over but makes sure he doesn't cut through the line.

"Hi, Steve. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out a bit?" Bucky asks, sounding a little nervous.

"That's what I was invited here for, wasn't it?" Steve teases and Bucky smiles.

"Right. Stupid, Bucky," he scoffs and Steve smiles. "I'm almost finished any way." Bucky muses and the blonde nods. The brunette goes back to work to finish up and Steve gets himself a drink while he waits. The brunette joins him shortly. They talk for a long time, getting to know each other.

"Hey, uh, I know there's a museum not too far from here," Bucky puts in. It was seven at night but Bucky liked Steve and didn't want this night to end. And since Steve practically leaps at the idea, Bucky reckoned that the blonde didn't want it to end either.


They walk to the museum and talk and share stories, they connect. It was a wonderful night out but eventually Bucky walked Steve home. This happened every night for three months, all the months they were there. Bucky decided to move to Brooklyn so he didn't have to be without his favorite blonde. They were happy and lived together 'til the end of the line.

A/N: I'm so sorry for this one guys, again, I couldn't think of anything at all so that's why it's so eh. I'm really sorry guys, my writing just has not been working out lately at all. I'll do better. Sorry, again. Oh, and Callista (pronounced Ca-lee-sta), is my sister, who wanted to be involved in this. So, for Callista if you've read this, sorry if you were also nonexistent.

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