Towards The Moon

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Bucky lays sprawled out on the grass on a warm Summer night, his best friend at his side. The night was clear and warm, the sky bright with millions of stars.

"Y'know, Steve, I'm gonna go up there one day," Bucky muses, glancing at his blonde friend beside him. Steve looks over at him and Bucky smiles, his grey eyes shining.

"You will. I believe it," Steve says with a grin. Bucky smiles back and looks back towards the sky.

Space had always fascinated him, ever since his dad had gotten him his first telescope. He'd seen the stars, he'd seen galaxies, and it all amazed him to no end.

"You think there might be life up there, Stevie?"

"There could be." Steve shrugs a shoulder and Bucky smiles gently.

"I bet there is," he muses, putting his hands under his head. Steve smiles. He loved listening to Bucky, loved feeling his excitement, even if it wasn't totally his dream.


"Still think you'll make it?" Steve asks him one day when they're in college, and this time, a couple. Bucky looks up from his astronomy book and smirks.

"I'll make it," Bucky says with affirmation. "Know what, Stevie? We'll make it."

"We will."


Although that dream was put on hold for a year, then another, and another. Because Bucky had received cancer.


Steve takes his hand and smoothes his knuckles with his thumb. Bucky looks up at him and manages a weak smile up at him.

"Still think we'll make it, baby?" He whispers, staring up at Steve. The blonde smiles softly at him.

"Of course we will," Steve promises. "I'll get you up there, sweetheart."


On a good day Steve brought Bucky up to the roof, up to his old telescope.

"I thought you'd like to see something," he says softly, leading Bucky up to the roof. The brunette pulls his beanie on tighter onto his head as Steve puts an arm around his shoulders. A blanket was set up, along with all Bucky's gear. His face instantly lights up and Steve smiles softly when he sees that look of peace and amazement light up in Bucky's eyes.

Bucky eagerly peers through the telescope. Steve leans back on his hands, looking up at the sky. It was slightly cloudy, and chilly out. Steve grabs the blanket and wraps it around Bucky's shoulders. A shooting star goes blazing past.

"We're gonna make it there, Stevie," Bucky whispers in a determined voice as he watches the star go zooming overhead. Steve kisses the top of his head.

"We will," Steve agrees with just as much determination in his voice. And when Bucky smiled over at him, faith written on his face, faith that they truly would make it; Steve felt that maybe, just maybe, they would.


They both went for training to go to space in the same year. Bucky was ecstatic; he'd finally make it. Steve was excited, even more so when Bucky's happiness wore off on him.

"We're finally gonna make it, Stevie!" Bucky exclaims, throwing his arms around the blonde, who lifts him up into the air and spins him. Bucky grins at him and Steve grins back.


But... Bucky knew, after one more year, that he would never make it up to space. His cancer had spread to his lungs and he knew that there was no chance.

"Hey, Stevie," Bucky murmurs, nearly asleep in his hospital bed. The blonde looks at him, brushing Bucky's brown hair away from his eyes. "You'll make it for both of us, won't you?"

"Don't talk like that, sweetheart. You'll make it," Steve tries and Bucky cracks a small grin.

"You make it for us, baby. Promise me you will," he mumbles as his body grows ever weaker. Steve felt tears beginning to well in his eyes but he tried to blink them back.

"Promise. We'll make it there, Bucky," Steve whispers as he kisses his forehead. Bucky smiles sadly and his eyes slip closed.


Captain Steve Rogers closes his eyes tightly as the spacecraft reaches the outersphere of Earth's grasp, beyond the atmosphere. Once the ship stops rattling, he slowly opens his eyes.

Stars dotted everywhere, planets large and small in the distance, the Sun exploding with bright, hot gases. Comets and stars zoomed by and Steve just stared, in total awe. After a minute or two he reaches for the photo on his passenger's seat and holds it up.

The picture of Bucky Barnes, smiling, the same light reflecting in his eyes the day the photo was taken, was held up to see the stars.

They'd made it, like they always promised they would.


I don't know what this turned out to be. Sorry if it's eh, or I got something inaccurate; this was on the fly.

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