Number Twenty-Nine: At Ease

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"Hey, Steve, how long have you had this?" Bucky asks, pulling out a tape for an old newsreel. Steve comes over and looks at the tape.

"Since I got out of the ice. The museum wanted to have it, but I couldn't just give it away," Steve explains and Bucky nods, putting the tape back down on Steve's organized desk. "Besides, you're in that tape, too." He adds and Bucky smiles, taking a step closer to the blonde.

"Aww, you really missed little ol' me that much?" He croons and Steve nods, taking Bucky's hand and gently running his thumb over his knuckles, making the brunette blush. He loved it when Steve did that.

"I'd rather take a gut punch from the Hulk than lose you again, Buck," he says honestly and Bucky smiles softly.

"I ain't goin' anywhere, Stevie," he purrs. Steve smiles and kisses Bucky's cheek, the brunette blushes.

"Hey, at ease, Sergeant, lookin' a little tense now," Steve hums and Bucky smirks, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Really, well, Sergeant James Barnes reporting for booty, Captain," he retorts and Steve shakes his head, smiling. Bucky smiles. Bucky runs his hands through the blonde's fluffy hair and Steve wraps his arms around him. The brunette leans forward and kisses him passionately, his fingers running across Steve's head.

"I love you, Captain Rogers," Bucky breathes, pulling away a little to look the blonde in the eyes.

"I love you too, Sergeant Barnes," Steve says softly and Bucky kisses him again, gently this time, but then eagerly as the blonde deepens the kiss. He closes his eyes and smiles into the kiss, so grateful to be back, with Steve and no more HYDRA, so glad that he could actually be safe. Likewise, Steve was glad Bucky was back, he was with him, he had his memories. Normally life took from them; separated them, hurt them, basically just was awful, but it was finally giving back.

The two boys were kissing until they were out of breath.

"At ease, Barnes," Steve hums, pulling back a little to get some breath back. Bucky smirks, his cheeks were flushed.

"Aye, aye, Captain," he responds, pecking another kiss on Steve's cheek before sauntering into the living room. Steve smiles to himself, feeling incredible and like the luckiest guy alive, before he follows him.

A/N: 'Cause there hasn't been much fluff and I really wanted to do some fluff.

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