OTP Prompts

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So, like the other one, I'm gonna write small one shots of each of these prompts I found.


Bucky had to say, his first kiss with a guy was the best.

He cups his boyfriend's cheeks and kisses him passionately, his heart beating into overdrive. Steve catches his breath and kisses back, running his fingers through his hair.

Bucky pulls back for air before Steve closes the gap again, and Bucky smiles briefly into the kiss. He steps closer and Steve tilts his head a little. Bucky bites his lip and Steve holds him closer.

They break away again, fighting for breath. Steve rests his forehead against Bucky's and closes his eyes. Bucky does the same and swallows, his fingers carding through Steve's short hair.

"Steve -- "

"Mm," Steve hums but doesn't open his eyes, taking a steady breath. Bucky smiles a little to himself.

"You're really good," he sighs and looks at him. Steve does the same, smiling.

"Yeah?" He lifts Bucky's chin a little. "I'm assuming you meant... well, that." He blushes. "You are too."

Bucky smiles and looks down at the floor, face red.


Steve sits up in bed. Bucky was gone, somewhere. Possibly the kitchen. And that just left Steve alone with his thoughts - somewhere he didn't want to be. After sitting in silence for a couple minutes he shakes his head and clears his throat.

He hastily gets dressed and goes to find him.

Bucky stands in the kitchen, half-dressed and brewing coffee. Steve pauses when he sees him, red-faced. He swallows and steps up behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and pressing his face against Bucky's shoulders, too embarrassed to say anything.

"Morning," he finally says softly. Bucky smiles a little and turns his head, noticing him blush.

"Morning, blushing beauty," he hums and Steve goes redder, hiding his face.

"Stop it," he whines and Bucky aww's. He reaches back and fluffs his hair.

"You're so cute," he speaks, turning around and facing him. Steve presses his face against his chest. Bucky kisses his forehead.


Steve drags himself home after a tiring mission, mentally and physically beat. He wanted to sleep so badly.

He shuffles inside and spots Bucky reading on the couch. Smiling despite himself, Steve sets his shield down and sits beside him. Bucky wordlessly shifts to the side so that Steve can lean against him, which he does. When he stops moving, Bucky bookmarks his page and sets the book down, turning his attention to the blonde.

"Long day?"

Steve's response is muffled. Bucky smiles and wraps an arm around his waist, briefly checking him for injuries. Steve relaxes and closes his eyes, mumbling about how the mission went. Bucky quietly listens, playing with his hair.

Steve finally looks up at him and Bucky meets his gaze. "Get some sleep, okay?" he says before Steve can speak. "You look like you could use it, and I'm not going anywhere."

Steve smiles. "Love you."

Bucky kisses the top of his head. "Love you too."

He picks up his book again, one hand resting on Steve's back and the other holding his book aloft. Steve curls up, hugging Bucky around the middle.

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