Request Form

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Alright here's the form for possible requests! This is the place to ask for requests, I can't guarantee I'll write all of them but I will try my darndest.

Ship dynamic (ex. Pre-serum!Steve and Wintersoldier!Bucky)

Plot points (optional): what do you want the story to be about?

Story type: Angst/Fluff/Action/AU?

Extra: other characters you may want to see, etc

Please remember though that I am using my free time for these 😅 if I say I'll write something, I will, but I can't guarantee it'll be up shortly after I say I'll write it. I love you guys and I love writing so that's why I do it, so a little patience goes a long way. I'm so grateful that those who request always ask so nicely!

So yeah! For future reference just scroll to this page and leave your ideas and I'll write what I can!

Stucky One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now