Number Thirty-Three: Call Diverted

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"Hey, Steve?" Bucky calls upstairs, turning his head a little to frown at the mess on the floor.

"Yeah?" Steve calls back from upstairs.


"What'd you do?"

"Nothing!" He protests, nibbling on his bottom lip slightly. He hears a deep sigh then someone coming down the stairs. "Except maybe break another phone." He adds when Steve walks in and sighs.

"What happened this time?" Steve sighs, grabbing the broom and starting to sweep up the tiny electronic bits. This was the fourth phone Bucky'd broken.

"Prank phone call. They pretended to hail Hydra, Steve," he complains and the blonde looks at him.

"Oh. You know it wasn't Hydra, Buck," he assures and Bucky nods a little, sucking in a breath.

"Yeah, it wasn't," he sighs."but still, that is not a cool prank to pull." He scowls and crosses his arms. Steve resumes his sweeping and sweeps it all into the dust pan, picks the pan up then dumps the mess into the garbage.

"I know, Buck. You'll have to call, you know," Steve says and Bucky raises an eyebrow.

"Why do I have to call? I don't even know what phone company I'm with, Steve," Bucky whines.

"I've called the last few times, you've seen me do it enough. Besides, you could work on your people skills?" Steve suggests and Bucky snorts.

"I don't like people though," he points out, watching the blonde. Steve rolls his eyes a little.

"That's my point, Bucky," he replies and the brunette shrugs lazily.

"What phone company do I have?" He asks, he'd forgotten a while ago.

"Virgin mobile," the blonde answers and Bucky smirks a little.

"We both know that isn't me, Stevie," he purrs and the blonde flushes red.

"Bucky!" He hisses, his face red, and Bucky smirks. "Just call, for Pete's sake." Steve sighs and the brunette rolls his eyes.

"Fine. Pansy," he says, taking Steve's phone to call the company and explain how he needed a new phone, get everything sorted out.

"Is this Virgin mobile?" Bucky asks, looking pointedly at the blonde, who was making sure not to look his way.

"Yeah. Oh, okay," Bucky says as they put him on hold. Elevator music leaks out from the phone, the sound scratchy and weak.

Ten minutes pass by and Bucky was still on hold. He was seated on Steve's lap now, frowning at his phone.

"Why'd you make me do this?" Bucky huffs.

"Because you need people practice," he says simply, folding the page over on his sketchbook and drawing a little more.

"Nobody needs people practice," Bucky snorts, putting the phone to his ear when he hears someone on the other end. "Yes, still here. Yeah, it broke. Uh... how?" He nibbles on his lip nervously. Steve glances at him.

"It smashed when I threw it into the wall," he admits and Steve smiles a little, shaking his head. "Well, you wanted to know. I need a new phone, pal." He explains.

"Yeah. Whatever," Bucky huffs as he's put on hold again. "Seriously! On hold! Again!" Bucky complains.

"Welcome to the phone world, Buck," Steve says, sketching a little more.

"Shut up," Bucky pouts, folding his arms.

"Well that's just rude," Steve replies.

"You're rude," Bucky retorts.

"Your face is rude."

"Your existence is rude!"

They play fight back and forth for a while until Bucky's off hold.

"I win, by the way," he whispers to Steve, a triumphant smile on his face as he turns back to the phone. Steve rolls his eyes, shading in the corner of his drawing.

"Really? Put me through to him," Bucky says then a moment later lets out a groan. "Steve, they're so slow!" Bucky whines, his head falling onto the tabletop where he'd stopped after pacing. He was a pacer.

"Oh, really. Pass me onto the other guy then," Bucky groans as the other end explains something technical, rubbing his temples. He was getting more and more frustrated with these guys. Steve knew what was coming.

"They're patching me through to another guy? This is so dumb," Bucky complains, his twitchy fingers tossing the phone back and forth between his fingers.

"Don't break my phone," Steve sighs, concentrating on his sketch. Bucky gets up and paces. The guy explains something and Bucky huffs.

"Nope. I'm done," Bucky announces, handing Steve's phone over.

"About thirty minutes. Not bad," Steve comments as he takes over the talking, he'd been timing him all along. Bucky crosses his arms.


Three weeks later Bucky's brand new phone was shipped over to him.

"Don't break this one," Steve says and Bucky shrugs, turning the device over in his hands.

"Maybe," he shrugs and the blonde shakes his head, smiling a little. Bucky smirks.

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