Very Not Death

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I figured I owed you guys something... Well, not death. So rest assured, this will be fluff and stuff.


Bucky rolls over in bed and stares up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Steve was gone on another mission without him and the brunette didn't like sleeping alone. He checks the time briefly to see two in the morning click into view and he looks back up.

He relaxes when he hears the door open. Steve lets himself in and yawns widely, placing his shield on the couch. He shuffles into their room, hoping he wouldn't wake the brunette. He gets into pajama pants then crawls in beside him.

Bucky wraps his arms around him and rests his head on Steve's chest. "Hey," he whispers and feels the blonde exhale beneath him.

"Hey," Steve replies softly, nuzzling his neck. Bucky turns his head to face him.

"How'd it go?"

"Oh, it went well, but I'm exhausted," Steve mumbles into the brunette's hair. Bucky scratches his fingers through his blonde hair.

"I bet." He nods, scooching down a little and curling under the blankets. Steve hums a little and joins him, he presses kisses to his lips and forehead. Bucky yawns and closes his eyes then hums. Steve kisses along his jaw and Bucky hums again. "Didn't get hurt, right?" He checks, opening an eye.

"When do I ever?"

"You always manage to find yourself in some sort of crap, Rogers," the brunette mumbles, curling closer against him. Steve yawns and shrugs his shoulder.

"Nah," he dismisses with a slight shake of his head. Bucky snorts and rolls over. The blonde lays on his back so Bucky flops onto his stomach and kisses his neck lazily. Steve hums a little and runs his hands up and down Bucky's back, gently. Bucky tangles his fingers through his blonde hair, scratching his head. Steve purrs a little and Bucky quirks an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you could purr. Thought that was only a cat thing," Bucky muses, kissing along his jaw. Steve shrugs a shoulder.

"I just can." He shrugs and Bucky nods a little.

"It's adorable, you know," the brunette adds.

"I know," Steve replies and Bucky rolls his eyes, smirking a little.

"You're also unbearable."

"D'aww, you love me."

"Should I prove it?" Bucky purrs and Steve smirks a little.

"That's up to you," he replies with a small shrug. Bucky smirks and kisses him, gently at first, then a little more passionately. He nips at Steve's lip and in return Steve holds him closer against him.

They were so grateful to be together again, both feeling extremely lucky. They felt lucky because they could actually be a couple and nobody would judge them.

"I love you," Bucky hums, kissing him lightly. Steve runs his fingers through Bucky's messy hair, smiling softly.

"I know. I love you too, Buck."

"I know," Bucky purrs, biting his lip gently. Steve hums and holds him close and after a while the pair fall still, though neither falling asleep. Bucky sits up and pulls Steve up with him.

"Buck?" Steve asks as Bucky gets out of bed and turns their record player on. Bucky points at him, then offers him a hand. Steve smiles and rolls his eyes as he gets up and joins him. "Y'know Fury's giving me a mission briefing tomorrow, right?"

"And?" Bucky presses, raising an eyebrow. Steve doesn't argue as he steps up to him and puts his hands on Bucky's hips, and in return the brunette wraps his arms around his neck. They start slowly swaying to their music, soft and light as they danced. "Remember when you were tiny and we used to do this?"

"I used to have to stand on your feet to reach you," Steve recalls with a small smile, which Bucky returns. "You always told me I was doin' just fine."

"And you always were," Bucky adds. "Most handsome shrimp on the block, if I remember correctly," he continues with a small smirk, looking up at the blonde.

"So are you the most handsome *ss then?"

"I got the most handsome one, doll," Bucky replies with a wink and Steve smirks a little, pulling him just a little closer against him.

"You're telling me this?"

Bucky shakes his head as he grins. "Y'know I forgot how much innocence you lost." Steve merely shrugs and kisses his forehead. Bucky rests his head on Steve's chest and the blonde starts quietly humming along with the song. Bucky starts humming along, looking up at the blonde through his eyelashes. Steve looks at him and smiles softly.

"You're beautiful, you know," Steve says softly and Bucky smiles and looks down.

"You're a sweet talker, doll," Bucky purrs, tilting his head up at him. "And handsome, might I add, though I don't really have to," Bucky drawls and Steve quirks an eyebrow.

"Don't have to, huh?" He muses as he spins the brunette slowly and gives him a little dip. Bucky smirks and nods a little.

"You should already know. It's kind of hard to miss," Bucky adds and Steve blushes slightly. "Ah, that's what I've missed. When I could make you blush."

"Still such a charmer," Steve hums as he pulls him back up into a kiss. Bucky cups the back of his neck and pulls him even closer and Steve hums happily. He really loved the moments when it was just he and Bucky, together, when nothing could move them apart. Nothing and nobody in the world.

"Hmm, I know. You love it," Bucky purrs, pressing lazy kisses to his lips and cheeks. Steve lifts him up and twirls him around carefully before setting him back down. Bucky smiles softly.

"I know," Steve agrees, kissing him lightly. Bucky glances over at the clock, which read four thirty in the morning.

"We should get some sleep, doll," Bucky says softly, running a hand down his back, making him shiver a little.

"Sounds good to me," Steve muses as Bucky crawls back into bed. Steve joins him and wraps his arms around him.

"Goodnight, babe," Bucky whispers, kissing his cheek. Steve yawns and nuzzles his neck.

"'Night, sweetheart," Steve whispers back. The two quickly fall asleep, safe in each other's embrace.


So that's that. Was it fluffy? Was it good? I hope so.

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