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Steve darts around the corner of the building and swallows, pulling his shield tighter against himself. He wouldn't admit it, but he was scared. He was freaking terrified but of course wouldn't tell Bucky that. They, along with Natasha, were on a mission just South of Canada. Bucky joked a lot about how cold it would be, since it was still Canada, after all.

The reason Steve was so terrified was the fact that if he wasn't careful, he could lose his husband. Hydra was back, and cruel as ever. They were out to get their Winter Soldier back; Steve and Bucky both knew that.

"How're you doing, baby?" Steve asks the brunette through their comms.

"Well, not dead yet, so I guess that's good," Bucky puffs out, sounding out of breath. Steve relaxes a little, noting the tone Bucky spoke in, sarcastic and sassy as ever.

"Being not dead is pretty great, yeah," Steve agrees and Bucky smiles on the other end, peering through his eyepiece on his sniper rifle.

"I think the word you're looking for is alive," Bucky replies, then pauses as he spots something. His eyes narrow and he frowns. "Hey, could you head to the East Wing and meet me there? Just noticed something."

"Be right over," Steve replies, adjusting his shield a little before starting to run towards the East Wing of the building.

"You boys alright?" Nat's voice comes through from where she was in the quinjet, their getaway once they've finished. Of course, if they needed help she was ready to jump into action.

"Doing just fine," Bucky answers for both of them as he meets up with the blonde.

"What's the deal?" Steve asks and Bucky steps closer, glancing briefly behind him.

"They have some sort of weapon. I don't know what it is, some big gun. Lots of guards, a tank surrounding it," he explains, sometimes talking with his hands as he tended to do. Steve nods, thinking of how to deal with the situation. "I figured I could sneak in and take out the machine while you take out the guards."

"Buck, we don't know what that machine does," Steve replies with a frown. Bucky shrugs a shoulder.

"Why do we need to? It's Hydra, so chances are it's not pleasant," he argues and Steve sighs a little, glancing behind him as he starts hearing shouting, steadily getting closer. Bucky looks past his head to see what's going on and growls something under his breath as several Hydra agents round the corner in perfect formation, armed with guns. Steve counted twenty four at least.

"Ah, s***," Bucky curses, pulling his gun out from its holster and aiming quickly at the agents.

"Language," Steve reminds as he hurls his shield at them all, knocking three to the ground before catching the metal frisbee again.

"Did Cap just say language? Remember the last time you did?" Nat pipes up and Steve sighs loudly, making sure Nat could hear. In return the redhead just smirks.

"Little cover, big guy?" Bucky asks Steve, looking over at him. The blonde tosses him his shield and Bucky takes it in his left, firing around it with his right. Meanwhile Steve kicks one agent into another, dodges a kick in return and slams another into a wall. Bucky whistles low and the blonde looks over.

"Smooth, doll," he says with a wink and Steve smirks and shakes his head.

"Not the time to flirt, sweetheart," he says as Bucky takes out five agents in a row with bullets to the heart or forehead, each collapsing within a second of the next. Bucky looks over at Steve, a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

He goes to say something cheeky in return but doesn't get the chance to. One agent raises his gun and shakily pulls the trigger, and Bucky's eyes widen when he hears the bullet goes tearing through flesh.

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